14 weeks old Malines lifeless


Jun 24, 2022
Charente, France

This morning (12 hours ago) I let the chickens out. A 14 weeks old Malines stayed on the roost. I could tell that something wasn't right as she's usually full of life, and one of the first out. Over the day, she's not eaten and has become more lethargic - she seems to prefer to keep her eyes closed. She'll drink water if I put her beak in it for a couple of seconds, and I've started to feed her a wet mash by opening her beak and placing some in her mouth - this is working, at least she's swallowing it. her feathers are looking healthy, her eyes bright and colourful (when open), she doesn't feel any lighter, but she just has no energy, she seems to find it dificult to keep her head up, even. Her breathing is steady, but light.

All the other chickens are fine, and I can see that there is concern for her. Yesterday, she was very active, and she's not suffered a physical injury. I don't know how her poop is, as I've not noticed.

I'd be grateful for any ideas?


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Hi. Not an expert but will start by asking a few triage questions. Check crop- how does it feel? did dhe eat yesterday evening, and if yes, is crop empty or not? what type of feed do you use? Do they free range? (potential toxin). check vent, look for anything unusual, look for infestation at skin level. although she’s unlikely to be laying check vent anyway. how’s her belly? (normal, squishy, firm) check her poop since she’s been on the roost alone. Any signs of other infestation?
Hope you pullet gets better.
Thanks for replying with those questions! :)

Quite a bit of food in the crop (I've been feeding her).
I use a growers pellets (Europe).
Not free ranging at the moment, but I have wondered whether she could have been stung or bitten by an insect.
Vent looks OK.
No skin level infestation.
Still not seen any poop.

Fed her about an hour ago, and when I just went back to the coop she stood up and walked to the water fountain. Stood there with her eyes closed. I helped her drink, she drank quite a lot.

I'll let you know how it goes.
Hi. Not an expert but will start by asking a few triage questions. Check crop- how does it feel? did dhe eat yesterday evening, and if yes, is crop empty or not? what type of feed do you use? Do they free range? (potential toxin). check vent, look for anything unusual, look for infestation at skin level. although she’s unlikely to be laying check vent anyway. how’s her belly? (normal, squishy, firm) check her poop since she’s been on the roost alone. Any signs of other infestation?
Hope you pullet gets better.
Hi NorthwoodsChick,
The Malines recovered quickly and started roosting and feeding with the others. She was fine for a couple of days, then on the second morning of being on the roost, I found her on the floor, lethargic and unable to keep her eyes open again, and would only let me feed her a very little... she died three or four of hours later.

None of the others in the flock are/were affected - I'm still baffled concerning what happened to her.
Hi NorthwoodsChick,
The Malines recovered quickly and started roosting and feeding with the others. She was fine for a couple of days, then on the second morning of being on the roost, I found her on the floor, lethargic and unable to keep her eyes open again, and would only let me feed her a very little... she died three or four of hours later.

None of the others in the flock are/were affected - I'm still baffled concerning what happened to her.
I am so sorry. :hugs

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