Hello BYC experts! I’m hoping you can help me. This is my first foray into Orpingtons and I am in love. I hatched 15 eggs from 2 Blues and ended up with a great mix of colours (blue, black, lav and splash). I have one lav that is 100% a rooster and has very obvious feathering but I’m having a heck of a time identifying the gender of these three! Looks like some tail shredding (which I actually love) so that’s making it harder for me to tell! Out of 15, I only see 4 Roos in which just can’t be. I’m not that lucky. My roosters are all getting re-homed next week and I need to make sure I only hang on to hens. Hoping you can help
Please excuse my muddy run - So. Much. Rain.
Please excuse my muddy run - So. Much. Rain.
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