2.5 week old speckled sussex chick with odd feathers?


In the Brooder
Oct 23, 2024
We purchased 2 speckled sussex chicks from a local woman for our broody hen. Our hen rejected them so we've been keeping them together in our brooder. This lil one (we're called them Borb cause they're round like an orb(bird+orb=borb)) is super round, much smaller than the other chick, and has odd feathers.

Their feathers stick out like a pine cone and their lil wings are longer than their body. It doesn't seem the hinder them, they still fly around the brooder, jump about, eating and drinking and chirping just fine. We've raised other breeds but are new to speckled sussex. I've never seen a chicks feathers stick out like this or seem to be missing feathers on their wings (both wings look like the photo). Is this something we should be concerned about or is 'Borb' just a bit frazzled looking due to the baby fuzz and new feather growth?

The other chick's wings look normal and they don't have feathers sticking out


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Sadly Borb passed away on Tuesday. They made it to 7 weeks of age, but never did grow any further. They would eat but never gained weight. I'm very curious if this was a case of RSS (runting and stunting syndrome) so we sent the remains off for a necropsy. Will share the results when they come in if anyone else is curious!

The other speckled sussex chick is thriving and seems to be doing well! No signs of illness or oddities, seems to be growing normally. We moved her into a 'playpen' style run inside our main run so she isn't lonely and can safely chat with the older hens and our outside chick without fear of bullying.

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