2 chicks vs 3


Mar 3, 2016
We are getting our first set of chicks in the morning. We had planned on getting two but have been told my various people I should get three. How big of a deal is it?
Sadly I agree get 3 or 4 if you can .Illness, predators,and sometimes genetics usually results is some losses. My very first flock was 4 and I remember how a illness quickly spread and very quickly I had only one survivor. I was devastated. Get what you think will comfortably fit in the hen house, yard or run. Everyone's circumstances are different.
Sadly I agree get 3 or 4 if you can .Illness, predators,and sometimes genetics usually results is some losses. My very first flock was 4 and I remember how a illness quickly spread and very quickly I had only one survivor. I was devastated. Get what you think will comfortably fit in the hen house, yard or run. Everyone's circumstances are different.

Top advice!
What are the dimensions of your coop and run? I strongly suggest that you get at least 3 or 4. Many states won't even allow sale of less than 6 chicks at a time. Chickens are flock animals, and function best when they can be part of a flock. I also suggest making your coop and run bigger than you think you need. Many new chicken keepers experience aggression with their birds as they mature due to crowded conditions.
For the reasons my lazy friend points out, you would be better off, and so would the chicks, by getting at least four.

Baby chicks derive their self confidence from the numbers in their brooder unit. Over the years, I've raised varying numbers of chicks at a time, from two up to eight, and it's the larger units that do better socially.

The social unit is formed in the brooder and lasts their entire lives. A unit of only two or three have a harder time than the larger units in holding their own against the pecking order, both while they're young and even after they grow to adulthood. As chicks begin to mingle with the adult flock, there are more chicks to focus on while smaller units are much easier targets.

If you want well adjusted chickens, try to have at least four chicks. Four is the minimum I've discovered that do well in having self confidence, thus being calmer and less flighty, and more able to adjust to the pecking order.
For the reasons my lazy friend points out, you would be better off, and so would the chicks, by getting at least four.

Baby chicks derive their self confidence from the numbers in their brooder unit. Over the years, I've raised varying numbers of chicks at a time, from two up to eight, and it's the larger units that do better socially.

The social unit is formed in the brooder and lasts their entire lives. A unit of only two or three have a harder time than the larger units in holding their own against the pecking order, both while they're young and even after they grow to adulthood. As chicks begin to mingle with the adult flock, there are more chicks to focus on while smaller units are much easier targets.

If you want well adjusted chickens, try to have at least four chicks. Four is the minimum I've discovered that do well in having self confidence, thus being calmer and less flighty, and more able to adjust to the pecking order.

Excellent advice. If you can make room for 4 (or maybe a few more?), go for it.

I started my first flock with 7 chicks. Sadly, they came from very poor beginnings and within 2 weeks I was down to just 3.
Yes, get a few more than you think you'll need or want. I just bought six chicks two days and we've already lost two. I'm not sure if that's normal to lose that many but that has been our newbie experience.
We ended up with five. I couldn't resist the cuteness. We've had them a week now and they are doing well.

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