2 free Bantam Hens in RI

Are they small bantams? How is their demeanor? I have an 8 year old daughter in 4H looking for a small bantam to show. Our 8 other chickens are too big. We live in CT.
Are they small bantams? How is their demeanor? I have an 8 year old daughter in 4H looking for a small bantam to show. Our 8 other chickens are too big. We live in CT.

Yes, they are very small. The brahma has incredible feather quality and the rose comb has great body comp. they are both able to be handled easily although the brahma can be a little tougher to catch. I think they would do well in a show environment. How far are you in ct? We would be more than willing to drive them out to you as we are planning to go to cabelas tomorrow. Please feel free to pm me.

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