In the Brooder
Hi All, I am a first time baby chick owner. Picked up 8 baby chicks from the local feed store yesterday morning. Have had them in the brooder for 24 hours. The Feed Store was supposed to get this shipment of chicks the day prior, but the shipping was delayed and late by a day. I'm assuming this adds stress to the chicks?! The Orpingtons and Americana's are all doing great. But the two black australorps (last two left at the store) seem very unhealthy - are struggling to stand (leaning against wall), lethargic/barely moving, not drinking without assistance or eating at all. I've tried electrolytes in water (helping them get a drink), raw egg yolk, mashed hard boiled egg and non medicated chick feed - they won't really eat anything. No signs of pasty butt. Is there anything else I can do to help them? Should I be worried about disease? Coccidiosis? Thank you for your help!