2 week old chick labored breathing, gasping, lethargy



Premium Feather Member
Mar 8, 2024
Just found a two week old chick at a local feed store laying near the water dish constantly gasping and labored, not moving except for short bursts of chirping/ movement.
Was lifting head to choke but stopped once home with me and getting now two feedings of electrolyte water. Holding her to keep warm using my body and a heating pad on low (monitored of course!!) and to feel her breathing. No idea of weight at the moment but she looks like a normal weight for her age.
I will be using mush for her next feeding, feeding it every two hours or so.
Just now she pooped for me. I'll put image of poop below. It is pure liquid.
She's also moving more as I write this!
She also has a full crop of electrolyte water as she is drinking like a little champ with syringe

Any other tips?
I suspect brooder pneumonia. Hoping intensive care will get her past it. If not I gave her a fighting chance and that's important to me. I had originally left because I wasn't set up for chicks but couldn't stop thinking about her and how she would die being trampled by her siblings, in a livestock tub. If she doesn't make it, at least she knew soft blankets and as cheesy as it sounds, love. If she does make it overnight and drastically improves, well, I'll go get her two siblings tomorrow morning. If she makes it overnight but still is ICU I will keep fighting for her life with her until she is ready to have her siblings again. I can tell she really wants to live


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I really wish I could send videos to show her breathing, but her entire body is just heaving
UPDATE: she stopped gasping!
Do you mean that she is breathing normally now? So wonderful of you to give her a chance. 🥰 Is the mash a chick starter mixed with water? Continue keeping her warm… in the warmest room of your house tonight will help with that. When you’re ready to set up a quick brooder… (digital) thermometers at both ends. A large cardboard box (or large storage bin) lined with paper towels or an old towel will work for now. I prefer heating pads over heat lamps (but a lot of people use them). If you want to continue with a heating pad, I suggest pet heating pads. No auto shutoff and they don’t get too hot. I hope she does well. Please update.
Do you mean that she is breathing normally now? So wonderful of you to give her a chance. 🥰 Is the mash a chick starter mixed with water? Continue keeping her warm… in the warmest room of your house tonight will help with that. When you’re ready to set up a quick brooder… (digital) thermometers at both ends. A large cardboard box (or large storage bin) lined with paper towels or an old towel will work for now. I prefer heating pads over heat lamps (but a lot of people use them). If you want to continue with a heating pad, I suggest pet heating pads. No auto shutoff and they don’t get too hot. I hope she does well. Please update.
She is still laboring but she isn't gasping with her beak open. I see more movement under her eye lids too. She also managed to fight me a bit this last feeding! You can still see her little abdomen heaving though unfortunately. And it is a mix of electrolyte water, egg, and layer pellet (I'll be getting chick feed tomorrow morning). The first two feedings were purely electrolyte water
Do you mean that she is breathing normally now? So wonderful of you to give her a chance. 🥰 Is the mash a chick starter mixed with water? Continue keeping her warm… in the warmest room of your house tonight will help with that. When you’re ready to set up a quick brooder… (digital) thermometers at both ends. A large cardboard box (or large storage bin) lined with paper towels or an old towel will work for now. I prefer heating pads over heat lamps (but a lot of people use them). If you want to continue with a heating pad, I suggest pet heating pads. No auto shutoff and they don’t get too hot. I hope she does well. Please update.
Also this heating pad doesn't have auto shut off! So far it's doing perfect warmth wise but of course it will be supervised
She is still laboring but she isn't gasping with her beak open. I see more movement under her eye lids too. She also managed to fight me a bit this last feeding! You can still see her little abdomen heaving though unfortunately. And it is a mix of electrolyte water, egg, and layer pellet (I'll be getting chick feed tomorrow morning). The first two feedings were purely electrolyte water
I wouldn’t recommend layer pellets, but you’re doing the best for her right now. She’s a very lucky chick to have you. 🥰 If she shows more of an appetite tonight… hard-boiled egg. And, continue with the vitamin water. A little sugar water could give her a boost also. It sounds like she’s pretty cozy.
I wouldn’t recommend layer pellets, but you’re doing the best for her right now. She’s a very lucky chick to have you. 🥰 If she shows more of an appetite tonight… hard-boiled egg. And, continue with the vitamin water. A little sugar water could give her a boost also. It sounds like she’s pretty cozy.
I was mostly adding a pinch of layer pellet to finish off nutrients as with such a small, fast growing animal, I worry even a day missing certain nutrients can severely harm her. She will only get another feeding or two with that formula before I grab the chick pellets and use those instead. And yes she is very cozy haha. She is a princess laying on blankets on top of a heating pad, inside
I wouldn’t recommend layer pellets, but you’re doing the best for her right now. She’s a very lucky chick to have you. 🥰 If she shows more of an appetite tonight… hard-boiled egg. And, continue with the vitamin water. A little sugar water could give her a boost also. It sounds like she’s pretty cozy.
If she starts moving on her own with more mental awareness I will offer a shallow thing of water and hard boiled egg. Right now? She's a huge drowning risk as she lacks consciousness most of the time

Edit: I also at this moment don't want her crop filled with anything but water based food as she isn't able to safely drink for herself and it takes a couple hours for her to empty crop. I don't want to risk dehydration
If she starts moving on her own with more mental awareness I will offer a shallow thing of water and hard boiled egg. Right now? She's a huge drowning risk as she lacks consciousness most of the time
I definitely agree. Also, make sure she doesn’t overheat. Provide enough heat to keep her comfortable. Is she able to move around in her own at all?

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