2 week Silkie chicks... water level not changing!


Jun 28, 2023
Hi everyone. I have 4 baby silkies in a brooder. I hatched them myself in an incubator. They are 2 weeks old. They all doing well... or at least they seem to be... but I am concerned bc I have not had to refill their water at all. I have the "rent a coop" nipple waterer. Its sitting on a block for the correct height. I have shown each chick multiple times how to get the water from it. I have witnessed at least two of them drink on their own... but the water level is not going down...if it has it is BARELY. The chicks are eating and moving around...but this is worrying me! What should I do?
I mean, the water can't evaporate or get knocked over so it would be more full, but I totally agree. I'd get one of the little starter waterers that thread onto the mason jars/plastic water jar. Keep it close to the heat lamp but not right under it. Put it on top of something to raise it to their upper chest. Show it to them, let them investigate, if one drinks the rest should follow suit. Peace of mind.
I had this same problem when I started using the same nipples! As it turned out, I found the problem by accident. Because they were so young, I was using a repurposed 1 gallon jug (cleaned and bleached thoroughly before using). What I didn't realize was that I had the lid on tight and it actually formed a vacuum. I thought I had stupid chickens--but it turns out they were smarter than their 'chicken mommy!' See if that is the problem. Loosen the lid so that a vaccuum cannot be formed. Also, go ahead and give them a bowl of water now, before they get dehydrated. And then remove it and try the nipples again with a loosened lid.

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