Pics please would like to know what shape of an animal to get for my two new little oegb hatchlingsas they will be alone for two weeks.
Update:Both healthy but a little sticky however only the back of the head and neck were affected. Didn't seem like my last hatch with sticky chick but I could be wrong it's only my second hatch. Any ideas? Also for the life of me I couldn't remember will their toes straighten at all? My second one hatched a little after 8 am but I think it's toes are curled or looked that way at hatch. Looks like we might be making him/her a pair of boots later. Don't want to hurt the baby though I know it'll help it in the long run. Gotta dry first though. Will post pics when dry.
Sorry it took so long to respond, we were visiting family today.
I think any stuffed toy would work as long as it won't tangle them up with long hair (we had one chick strangle in its mother, a silkie's, feathers the poor thing) and that it isn't heavy so that if it falls it won't suffocate any chicks. Chicks also love warm boxes. If you put a small cardboard box with one side removed and stuff it with paper towels or straw they will love this also.
I see some one helped you on the September hatch-a-long, and I hope their toes will straighten well. At a young age this usually happens quickly.
Best of luck!