2015 August hatch-a-long!!

Pics please would like to know what shape of an animal to get for my two new little oegb hatchlings
as they will be alone for two weeks.

Update:Both healthy but a little sticky however only the back of the head and neck were affected. Didn't seem like my last hatch with sticky chick but I could be wrong it's only my second hatch. Any ideas? Also for the life of me I couldn't remember will their toes straighten at all? My second one hatched a little after 8 am but I think it's toes are curled or looked that way at hatch. Looks like we might be making him/her a pair of boots later. Don't want to hurt the baby though I know it'll help it in the long run. Gotta dry first though. Will post pics when dry.

Sorry it took so long to respond, we were visiting family today.

I think any stuffed toy would work as long as it won't tangle them up with long hair (we had one chick strangle in its mother, a silkie's, feathers the poor thing) and that it isn't heavy so that if it falls it won't suffocate any chicks. Chicks also love warm boxes. If you put a small cardboard box with one side removed and stuff it with paper towels or straw they will love this also.

I see some one helped you on the September hatch-a-long, and I hope their toes will straighten well. At a young age this usually happens quickly.

Best of luck!
We have 28 eggs in the inc, a combo of barred rock and RIR. Since its our first time with this incubator, were hoping for a good percentage and lots of hens!

Sounds exciting! Barred Rocks are wonderful chickens and RIRs are full of personality. Both good breeds.
We have 28 eggs in the inc, a combo of barred rock and RIR. Since its our first time with this incubator, were hoping for a good percentage and lots of hens!

Sounds exciting! Barred Rocks are wonderful chickens and RIRs are full of personality. Both good breeds. :)

I'm loving watching my Barr's and RIR's grow up! They're beautiful with colors!!!
Well this is only my second hatch and we just started with chickens this spring but there were 8 of them last time and they were just fine. Yes they're in a brooder in our sun porch (the new chicks). I think i might do the stuffed animal tomorrow but right now I have to get to bed. They're so cute its amazing I forgot how tiny some of our other chicks were especially the self blue oegb I have she's such a sweetie. Will have to take pics tomorrow but I swear one of these chicks has a bigger comb already. Boy? I hope not I know the odds are against it but I've got my fingers crossed for two pullets. We have enough roos especially bantams but need more hens. And my self blue is so sweet itd be wonderful to have more like her. She flew up to my shoulder today and started talking to me :)
How awful for that mother silkie to have your baby strangle like that. Thank you for the advice hadn't even thought of that. Thank goodness for the heat lamp tonight BC they're warm but its chilly in the sun porch

Brinsea first three eggs from my own chickens. Due to hatch 8/29

The others in the hatch I will post to sept because they are due first week of sept until around the 20th different bators different things.
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