Ended 2021 Chicken Gift-Ideas Giveaway - Over $500 In Gifts Up To $35 Each!

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Isn't this great to hang on the door of your coop? Check out this adorable chicken coop sign on Amazon!
Due to constant predators of foxes & hawks, I cannot free range, so while my flock enjoys safety of large predator proof pens, I try to make sure boredom doesn't set in. I have found that the best type of cabbage holder is not the skewer type, but rather this cage type, as the cabbage head never ends up getting nasty on the ground despite how small it gets as they peck & whittle it down. A nice cabbage head lasts a few days & it is fun to watch them enjoy it. I can also add slices of melons or cantaloupe for variety.

Ware Manufacturing Chick-N-Veggie Treat Ball https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IQ7H9HQ/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_NX64T4ZB0P88MDB9QKT8


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Might be boring but Id love one of these. I have a smaller one that was from RAC, then when I bought a larger one there was an off brand set of food and waterer, and of course the waterer leaks like crazy. So come winter time I'm back to using the smaller one until I get a big one because I don't want an icy mud puddle to deal with. A bonus for this style would be that it can back up to the coop wall and stay a bit warmer, too.


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