Ended 2025 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

@2 chiks n a roo, @21hens-incharge, @6-Hens-and-Me, @acemario, @Ada06, @AdrianaG, @african chickens, @alinas2010, @Altairsky, @AmeraucanaHank, @Antiocheggers, @AntiqueB, @Arahsmith, @AshVau22, @azurbanclucker, @Baby Chickens2020, @BackyardinWales, @baileybiddi, @BantammChick, @BantyChooks, @Barnette, @Barnumsbackyardbirds, @Bartonsfinest, @BDutch, @Bean1028, @Bigandlittles, @BigBlueHen53, @Bitofablonde, @BudandBranch, @calychicken, @Canbrn, @Candyjablonski, @Carters Chick House, @CashewVulture, @casportpony, @CCsGarden, @Chelseasducks, @Chicken butler, @Chicken_tiger_catt, @chickenlover0805, @ChickenTenderKesha, @ChickenTenderz, @Chicks123456789, @ChickyWhicky, @Chiquita Gallina, @Chive, @CHlCKEN, @chooki, @ckuehn, @Clementine2022, @cluckcluckduck089, @CluckinAround89, @Cocoakeke, @CombNWattles, @copyteclt, @countryladyNH, @CoveyOf30, @Crazy Chicken Helen, @CrazyForMyPeeps802, @Cynthia12, @DabblinDuckDabbler, @Ddb123, @Debbie292d, @Delphene, @Desertvalleychickens, @Dlm2plus, @Dominique King, @Dragon Slayer Trinket, @Dreamzchaser, @dreemachine, @Ducksmom, @Easternshore1200, @Ecarroll, @EChicky, @Eggs_Over_EZ, @EireRoo, @Elspeth Dinsmore, @Emmaloveschickens9156, @Evadig, @FamilyOfSeven, @Farmgirl283420, @fin-dachickmasta, @FlockofManyColors623, @fluffanfeathers, @fluffy07, @Fluster Cluck Acres, @fowltemptress, @Friendofchix, @FunnyBunny89, @GA Chick Mama, @Galaxy chicken, @Galaxy_rules, @Gavinthechickenman, @getreal, @Gigachad poultry, @Gill-b, @gimmie birdies, @GirlsHuntToo, @Glory to His name, @GodLovesU, @Golden Comet Mama, @Goose08, @Grandma The Chicken, @Grind Hard Farm, @GuineaMania, @gyzmo, @heatherbeast, @HeatherR525, @Heidrun, @helicopterchickenmom, @Henora, @HerdAndHome, @HiEverybirdy, @Hiyaherc, @HoneyMoran, @HopKat, @HorseGirlAbby, @horvatichmaria, @Hpup45, @Jenbirdee, @JessicaL2322, @JewelBirds, @Jgarza77, @Jill G, @Jmae, @jnicholes, @JPadronMiami, @jpierret, @junipercloud113420, @Kevbock, @Kiki, @KimbosKluckers, @Kkoleckar, @Krisitne, @kroder, @Kuritsa y Utochka, @Lacy Duckwing, @Lalachick, @LavenderDaFlerf, @LeslieLovesChickens, @LhickenChicken, @LilFinnGirl, @lindaDH, @LMat, @Logar, @Lolame777, @Love Donkeys, @Mantismaster13, @MapleKehDucks, @mararva, @Mattie15, @McCluckster, @mchickies, @MCW, @Momma*chicken, @MROO, @muddy75, @my spoiled chickens, @My Very First 6 Chickens, @MyParadiseFalls, @MysteryChicken, @Nifty-Chicken, @NorthFLChickenChick, @NorthwoodsChick, @notabitail, @Nym, @OddMamaHen, @Offgridrosie, @oldhenlikesdogs, @OrpingtonManic, @Patiocoturnix, @paulpkc, @peafowl_Lover, @Perris, @Poconopixi, @Ponypoor, @Potato and Eilonwy, @Poultrybonkers, @PrincessLayer16, @Quacking ducks, @QuailsAreSmallDinosaurs, @R.J., @ragingowl77, @RebeccaBoyd, @RobG7aChattTN, @Rock17, @ronott1, @Roseynose, @rubyandrose, @Sammster, @saracarver3, @SaraheThomas, @Saraschickens, @saving grace, @seahill, @Sefirothe, @sennomo, @Sequoia Raven Bird Farms, @Shabby Chic-Hens, @Shalai, @shroomie, @silentmaple, @Silkie2299781, @Silkiebegins, @SilverBirds, @Sosalty, @Squawkers, @StinkyAcres, @Susuba, @sweaterthebroodyrooster, @talkinboutchickens, @tawhoney, @TaylorGlade, @Teresa57, @TexasBlues, @The Birb King, @The cheek coop, @The Coop Crew, @The Welch Chickens, @TheHappyHen678, @Themellowyellows, @Thorn_shrike, @Tiffany Wikk, @TinaRew, @TinyRaptorDodos, @TinyT-rexMomma, @TLynne1, @TOMTE, @Tookie, @Traffie Chickens, @triciayoung, @Tumbleweedlynn, @User690263, @Uwish, @w145jlk, @WoDia, @Yard Farmer, @Zen Hen Momma

We're excited to inform you that we're starting to notify members whose pictures have been chosen for consideration in the 2025 calendar contest! We should be finished with the notifications by the end of today, so if you haven't heard from us yet, check back tomorrow. Thanks for your patience!

We received so many amazing entries this year, and it was incredibly difficult to narrow them down. The quality and creativity of the photos were truly impressive, and we want to thank each of you for sharing your beautiful pictures with us!

If you do receive a message from us, please keep it a secret! We want the calendar to be a surprise for everyone, so let's keep the excitement going until the big reveal.

Also, if your photo has been selected, you'll need to complete the form we provided by 9/18/2024. This is important to ensure your photo can be considered in the final round of judging.

Thanks again for all your amazing submissions!
Great.But how do I find the form ?
@2 chiks n a roo, @21hens-incharge, @6-Hens-and-Me, @acemario, @Ada06, @AdrianaG, @african chickens, @alinas2010, @Altairsky, @AmeraucanaHank, @Antiocheggers, @AntiqueB, @Arahsmith, @AshVau22, @azurbanclucker, @Baby Chickens2020, @BackyardinWales, @baileybiddi, @BantammChick, @BantyChooks, @Barnette, @Barnumsbackyardbirds, @Bartonsfinest, @BDutch, @Bean1028, @Bigandlittles, @BigBlueHen53, @Bitofablonde, @BudandBranch, @calychicken, @Canbrn, @Candyjablonski, @Carters Chick House, @CashewVulture, @casportpony, @CCsGarden, @Chelseasducks, @Chicken butler, @Chicken_tiger_catt, @chickenlover0805, @ChickenTenderKesha, @ChickenTenderz, @Chicks123456789, @ChickyWhicky, @Chiquita Gallina, @Chive, @CHlCKEN, @chooki, @ckuehn, @Clementine2022, @cluckcluckduck089, @CluckinAround89, @Cocoakeke, @CombNWattles, @copyteclt, @countryladyNH, @CoveyOf30, @Crazy Chicken Helen, @CrazyForMyPeeps802, @Cynthia12, @DabblinDuckDabbler, @Ddb123, @Debbie292d, @Delphene, @Desertvalleychickens, @Dlm2plus, @Dominique King, @Dragon Slayer Trinket, @Dreamzchaser, @dreemachine, @Ducksmom, @Easternshore1200, @Ecarroll, @EChicky, @Eggs_Over_EZ, @EireRoo, @Elspeth Dinsmore, @Emmaloveschickens9156, @Evadig, @FamilyOfSeven, @Farmgirl283420, @fin-dachickmasta, @FlockofManyColors623, @fluffanfeathers, @fluffy07, @Fluster Cluck Acres, @fowltemptress, @Friendofchix, @FunnyBunny89, @GA Chick Mama, @Galaxy chicken, @Galaxy_rules, @Gavinthechickenman, @getreal, @Gigachad poultry, @Gill-b, @gimmie birdies, @GirlsHuntToo, @Glory to His name, @GodLovesU, @Golden Comet Mama, @Goose08, @Grandma The Chicken, @Grind Hard Farm, @GuineaMania, @gyzmo, @heatherbeast, @HeatherR525, @Heidrun, @helicopterchickenmom, @Henora, @HerdAndHome, @HiEverybirdy, @Hiyaherc, @HoneyMoran, @HopKat, @HorseGirlAbby, @horvatichmaria, @Hpup45, @Jenbirdee, @JessicaL2322, @JewelBirds, @Jgarza77, @Jill G, @Jmae, @jnicholes, @JPadronMiami, @jpierret, @junipercloud113420, @Kevbock, @Kiki, @KimbosKluckers, @Kkoleckar, @Krisitne, @kroder, @Kuritsa y Utochka, @Lacy Duckwing, @Lalachick, @LavenderDaFlerf, @LeslieLovesChickens, @LhickenChicken, @LilFinnGirl, @lindaDH, @LMat, @Logar, @Lolame777, @Love Donkeys, @Mantismaster13, @MapleKehDucks, @mararva, @Mattie15, @McCluckster, @mchickies, @MCW, @Momma*chicken, @MROO, @muddy75, @my spoiled chickens, @My Very First 6 Chickens, @MyParadiseFalls, @MysteryChicken, @Nifty-Chicken, @NorthFLChickenChick, @NorthwoodsChick, @notabitail, @Nym, @OddMamaHen, @Offgridrosie, @oldhenlikesdogs, @OrpingtonManic, @Patiocoturnix, @paulpkc, @peafowl_Lover, @Perris, @Poconopixi, @Ponypoor, @Potato and Eilonwy, @Poultrybonkers, @PrincessLayer16, @Quacking ducks, @QuailsAreSmallDinosaurs, @R.J., @ragingowl77, @RebeccaBoyd, @RobG7aChattTN, @Rock17, @ronott1, @Roseynose, @rubyandrose, @Sammster, @saracarver3, @SaraheThomas, @Saraschickens, @saving grace, @seahill, @Sefirothe, @sennomo, @Sequoia Raven Bird Farms, @Shabby Chic-Hens, @Shalai, @shroomie, @silentmaple, @Silkie2299781, @Silkiebegins, @SilverBirds, @Sosalty, @Squawkers, @StinkyAcres, @Susuba, @sweaterthebroodyrooster, @talkinboutchickens, @tawhoney, @TaylorGlade, @Teresa57, @TexasBlues, @The Birb King, @The cheek coop, @The Coop Crew, @The Welch Chickens, @TheHappyHen678, @Themellowyellows, @Thorn_shrike, @Tiffany Wikk, @TinaRew, @TinyRaptorDodos, @TinyT-rexMomma, @TLynne1, @TOMTE, @Tookie, @Traffie Chickens, @triciayoung, @Tumbleweedlynn, @User690263, @Uwish, @w145jlk, @WoDia, @Yard Farmer, @Zen Hen Momma

We're excited to inform you that we're starting to notify members whose pictures have been chosen for consideration in the 2025 calendar contest! We should be finished with the notifications by the end of today, so if you haven't heard from us yet, check back tomorrow. Thanks for your patience!

We received so many amazing entries this year, and it was incredibly difficult to narrow them down. The quality and creativity of the photos were truly impressive, and we want to thank each of you for sharing your beautiful pictures with us!

If you do receive a message from us, please keep it a secret! We want the calendar to be a surprise for everyone, so let's keep the excitement going until the big reveal.

Also, if your photo has been selected, you'll need to complete the form we provided by 9/18/2024. This is important to ensure your photo can be considered in the final round of judging.

Thanks again for all your amazing submissions!
To another year of celebrating chickens all over the world! May your flocks thrive always!

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