Ended 2025 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

Will Ferrell Congratulations GIF

@2 chiks n a roo, @21hens-incharge, @6-Hens-and-Me, @acemario, @Ada06, @AdrianaG, @african chickens, @alinas2010, @Altairsky, @AmeraucanaHank, @Antiocheggers, @AntiqueB, @Arahsmith, @AshVau22, @azurbanclucker, @Baby Chickens2020, @BackyardinWales, @baileybiddi, @BantammChick, @BantyChooks, @Barnette, @Barnumsbackyardbirds, @Bartonsfinest, @BDutch, @Bean1028, @Betsy57, @Bigandlittles, @BigBlueHen53, @Bitofablonde, @Brahmas Beauty Homestead, @BudandBranch, @calychicken, @Canbrn, @Candyjablonski, @Carters Chick House, @CashewVulture, @casportpony, @CCsGarden, @Chelseasducks, @Chicken butler, @Chicken_tiger_catt, @chickenlover0805, @ChickenTenderKesha, @ChickenTenderz, @Chicks123456789, @ChickyWhicky, @Chiquita Gallina, @Chive, @CHlCKEN, @chooki, @ckuehn, @Clementine2022, @cluckcluckduck089, @CluckinAround89, @Cocoakeke, @CombNWattles, @copyteclt, @countryladyNH, @CoveyOf30, @Crazy Chicken Helen, @CrazyForMyPeeps802, @Cynthia12, @DabblinDuckDabbler, @Ddb123, @Debbie292d, @Delphene, @Desertvalleychickens, @Dlm2plus, @Dominique King, @Dragon Slayer Trinket, @Dreamzchaser, @dreemachine, @Ducksmom, @Easternshore1200, @Ecarroll, @EChicky, @Eggs_Over_EZ, @EireRoo, @Elspeth Dinsmore, @Emmaloveschickens9156, @Evadig, @FamilyOfSeven, @Farmgirl283420, @fin-dachickmasta, @FlockofManyColors623, @fluffanfeathers, @fluffy07, @Fluster Cluck Acres, @fowltemptress, @Friendofchix, @FunnyBunny89, @GA Chick Mama, @Galaxy chicken, @Galaxy_rules, @Gavinthechickenman, @getreal, @Gigachad poultry, @Gill-b, @gimmie birdies, @GirlsHuntToo, @Glory to His name, @GodLovesU, @Golden Comet Mama, @Goose08, @Grandma The Chicken, @Grind Hard Farm, @GuineaMania, @gyzmo, @heatherbeast, @HeatherR525, @Heidrun, @helicopterchickenmom, @Henora, @HerdAndHome, @HiEverybirdy, @Hiyaherc, @HoneyMoran, @HopKat, @HorseGirlAbby, @horvatichmaria, @Hpup45, @Jenbirdee, @JessicaL2322, @JewelBirds, @Jgarza77, @Jill G, @Jmae, @jnicholes, @JPadronMiami, @jpierret, @junipercloud113420, @Kevbock, @Kiki, @KimbosKluckers, @Kkoleckar, @Krisitne, @kroder, @Kuritsa y Utochka, @Lacy Duckwing, @Lalachick, @LavenderDaFlerf, @LeslieLovesChickens, @LhickenChicken, @LilFinnGirl, @lindaDH, @LMat, @Logar, @Lolame777, @Love Donkeys, @Mantismaster13, @MapleKehDucks, @mararva, @Mattie15, @McCluckster, @mchickies, @MCW, @Momma*chicken, @MROO, @muddy75, @my spoiled chickens, @My Very First 6 Chickens, @MyParadiseFalls, @MysteryChicken, @Nifty-Chicken, @NorthFLChickenChick, @NorthwoodsChick, @notabitail, @Nym, @OddMamaHen, @Offgridrosie, @oldhenlikesdogs, @OrpingtonManic, @Patiocoturnix, @paulpkc, @peafowl_Lover, @Perris, @Poconopixi, @Ponypoor, @Potato and Eilonwy, @Poultrybonkers, @PrincessLayer16, @Quacking ducks, @QuailsAreSmallDinosaurs, @R.J., @ragingowl77, @RebeccaBoyd, @RobG7aChattTN, @Rock17, @ronott1, @Roseynose, @rubyandrose, @Sammster, @saracarver3, @SaraheThomas, @Saraschickens, @saving grace, @seahill, @Sefirothe, @sennomo, @Sequoia Raven Bird Farms, @Shabby Chic-Hens, @Shalai, @shroomie, @silentmaple, @Silkie2299781, @Silkiebegins, @SilverBirds, @Sosalty, @Squawkers, @StinkyAcres, @Susuba, @sweaterthebroodyrooster, @talkinboutchickens, @tawhoney, @TaylorGlade, @Teresa57, @TexasBlues, @The Birb King, @The cheek coop, @The Coop Crew, @The Welch Chickens, @TheHappyHen678, @Themellowyellows, @Thorn_shrike, @Tiffany Wikk, @TinaRew, @TinyRaptorDodos, @TinyT-rexMomma, @TLynne1, @TOMTE, @Tookie, @Traffie Chickens, @triciayoung, @Tumbleweedlynn, @User690263, @Uwish, @w145jlk, @WoDia, @Yard Farmer, @Zen Hen Momma
A HUGE shoutout to everyone who submitted pictures! There were so many nice pictures, and we are sorry we couldn't use them all. We REALLY appreciate you!

Now the moment you've all been waiting for!
2025 Calendars are HERE!!!

View attachment 3988035
Congrats to the members whose gorgeous pictures are featured in this year's calendar - @Lacy Duckwing, @HopKat, @mararva, @GuineaMania, @Tiffany Wikk, @LMat, @HoneyMoran, @BudandBranch, @StinkyAcres, @Krisitne, @TinaRew, @HiEverybirdy, & @Elspeth Dinsmore

January 2025 - @Lacy Duckwing

February - @HopKat

March @mararva

April - @GuineaMania

May - @Tiffany Wikk

June - @LMat

July - @HoneyMoran

August - @BudandBranch

September - @StinkyAcres

October - @kristine

November - @TinaRew

December - @HiEverybirdy

January 2026 - @Elspeth Dinsmore
A HUGE THANK YOU to @casportpony for a TREMENDOUS amount of work on getting this together!!!

Season 4 Applause GIF by The Office
Howie Mandel Good Job GIF by America's Got Talent

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