Ended 2025 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

@2 chiks n a roo, @21hens-incharge, @6-Hens-and-Me, @acemario, @Ada06, @AdrianaG, @african chickens, @alinas2010, @Altairsky, @AmeraucanaHank, @Antiocheggers, @AntiqueB, @Arahsmith, @AshVau22, @azurbanclucker, @Baby Chickens2020, @BackyardinWales, @baileybiddi, @BantammChick, @BantyChooks, @Barnette, @Barnumsbackyardbirds, @Bartonsfinest, @BDutch, @Bean1028, @Betsy57, @Bigandlittles, @BigBlueHen53, @Bitofablonde, @Brahmas Beauty Homestead, @BudandBranch, @calychicken, @Canbrn, @Candyjablonski, @Carters Chick House, @CashewVulture, @casportpony, @CCsGarden, @Chelseasducks, @Chicken butler, @Chicken_Obsesser, @Chicken_tiger_catt, @chickenlover0805, @ChickenTenderKesha, @ChickenTenderz, @Chicks123456789, @ChickyWhicky, @Chiquita Gallina, @Chive, @CHlCKEN, @chooki, @ckuehn, @Clementine2022, @cluckcluckduck089, @CluckinAround89, @Cocoakeke, @CombNWattles, @copyteclt, @countryladyNH, @CoveyOf30, @Crazy Chicken Helen, @CrazyForMyPeeps802, @Cynthia12, @DabblinDuckDabbler, @Ddb123, @Debbie292d, @Delphene, @Desertvalleychickens, @Dlm2plus, @Dominique King, @Dragon Slayer Trinket, @Dreamzchaser, @dreemachine, @Ducksmom, @Easternshore1200, @Ecarroll, @EChicky, @Eggs_Over_EZ, @EireRoo, @Elspeth Dinsmore, @Emmaloveschickens9156, @Evadig, @FamilyOfSeven, @Farmgirl283420, @fin-dachickmasta, @FlockofManyColors623, @fluffanfeathers, @fluffy07, @Fluster Cluck Acres, @fowltemptress, @Friendofchix, @FunnyBunny89, @GA Chick Mama, @Galaxy chicken, @Galaxy_rules, @Gavinthechickenman, @getreal, @Gigachad poultry, @Gill-b, @gimmie birdies, @GirlsHuntToo, @Glory to His name, @GodLovesU, @Golden Comet Mama, @Goose08, @Grandma The Chicken, @Grind Hard Farm, @GuineaMania, @gyzmo, @heatherbeast, @HeatherR525, @Heidrun, @helicopterchickenmom, @Henora, @HerdAndHome, @HiEverybirdy, @Hiyaherc, @HoneyMoran, @HopKat, @HorseGirlAbby, @horvatichmaria, @Hpup45, @Jenbirdee, @JessicaL2322, @JewelBirds, @Jgarza77, @Jill G, @Jmae, @jnicholes, @JPadronMiami, @jpierret, @junipercloud113420, @Kevbock, @Kiki, @KimbosKluckers, @Kkoleckar, @Krisitne, @kroder, @Kuritsa y Utochka, @Lacy Duckwing, @Lalachick, @LavenderDaFlerf, @LeslieLovesChickens, @LhickenChicken, @LilFinnGirl, @lindaDH, @LMat, @Logar, @Lolame777, @Love Donkeys, @Mantismaster13, @MapleKehDucks, @mararva, @Mattie15, @McCluckster, @mchickies, @MCW, @Momma*chicken, @MROO, @muddy75, @my spoiled chickens, @My Very First 6 Chickens, @MyParadiseFalls, @MysteryChicken, @Nifty-Chicken, @NorthFLChickenChick, @NorthwoodsChick, @notabitail, @Nym, @OddMamaHen, @Offgridrosie, @oldhenlikesdogs, @OrpingtonManiac, @Patiocoturnix, @paulpkc, @peafowl_Lover, @Perris, @Poconopixi, @Ponypoor, @Potato and Eilonwy, @Poultrybonkers, @PrincessLayer16, @Quacking ducks, @QuailsAreSmallDinosaurs, @R.J., @ragingowl77, @RebeccaBoyd, @RobG7aChattTN, @Rock17, @ronott1, @Roseynose, @rubyandrose, @Sammster, @saracarver3, @SaraheThomas, @Saraschickens, @saving grace, @seahill, @Sefirothe, @sennomo, @Sequoia Raven Bird Farms, @Shabby Chic-Hens, @Shalai, @shroomie, @silentmaple, @Silkie2299781, @Silkiebegins, @SilverBirds, @Sosalty, @Squawkers, @StinkyAcres, @Susuba, @sweaterthebroodyrooster, @talkinboutchickens, @tawhoney, @TaylorGlade, @Teresa57, @TexasBlues, @The Birb King, @The cheek coop, @The Coop Crew, @The Welch Chickens, @TheHappyHen678, @Themellowyellows, @Thorn_shrike, @Tiffany Wikk, @TinaRew, @TinyRaptorDodos, @TinyT-rexMomma, @TLynne1, @TOMTE, @Tookie, @Traffie Chickens, @triciayoung, @Tumbleweedlynn, @TwoCrows, @User690263, @Uwish, @w145jlk, @WoDia, @Yard Farmer, @Zen Hen Momma
For your viewing pleasure, all of the entries have been uploaded to an album in the gallery:
2025 Calendar Entries
This is the thread for the current 2025 calendar which has already been printed. A thread for next year's (2026) submissions will be opening later this year (probably June but don't hold me to that). Hold on to this shot and keep an eye out for that contest! :)
This is the thread for the current 2025 calendar which has already been printed. A thread for next year's (2026) submissions will be opening later this year (probably June but don't hold me to that). Hold on to this shot and keep an eye out for that contest! :)
It will probably start in the mid-late April.

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