2025 Chicken Wish List

My wish list is Wyandottes a few more Legbars, either Cream or Opal and Chanteclers.

The later being very hard to find hatching eggs.

Being in Northern Minnesota, I'd like to steer towards cold hardier birds.

I currently have 6 Silverrudd's ( my roo is a Silverrudd) 1 Welsummer, 1 Opal Legbar, 3 BCM and 3 Orpingtons, which are going to another home in the spring)

The Silverrudd's I will hatch some chicks come spring.
Buckeyes are cold hardy to!
I sincerely admire all of you with a plan. I am maxed out, get way more eggs than I need... have 4 pullets that will be laying in the spring.

My idea of a plan is....down in the chicken coup, "hmm I need to reduce be 3-4 head... She is getting some age on, that one doesn't lay well, hmmm, do I???"

Then in the spring someone goes broody, I just stick eggs, and hope for the best. I will say this, the pullets I got this summer hatching willy nilly - are just as pretty as a purebred.

I think I will get some meat birds.

If you are going to order birds, and you have certain birds you want pay the extra money and buy those kinds. I have gotten assortments, (rare,colorful, and bargains) from meyers, but if you are really hoping for a particular bird, i would say order the others and that one you like. I have ordered rare assortments, and lavander orpingtons in the same group and they gave me more lavander orpingtons from the rare group, because they knew I liked that kind. But if you order what you like, you will not be relying on just hope you may get that kind you want.
Went to the local farmer’s market near my house and saw their birds out and about. A lovely flock of curious heritage type turkeys came to see if I had snacks. Also saw several Muscovy ducks which I assume is where their duck eggs come from…. I may try seeing if they will sell me a few turkey eggs and/or duck eggs in a few months.
Went to the local farmer’s market near my house and saw their birds out and about. A lovely flock of curious heritage type turkeys came to see if I had snacks. Also saw several Muscovy ducks which I assume is where their duck eggs come from…. I may try seeing if they will sell me a few turkey eggs and/or duck eggs in a few months.
Ducks are fun, they can tend to be a tad messy through. Haha!
All those upgrades, I’m filled with envy.

Hubby says more hens should be a joint decision and we’ve got enough !

Anyway moving on, I’m getting a Lakenvelder (or possibly a grey gauloise) and a barnvelder in February. Very excited 🤩

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