- Jun 9, 2020
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My 29-week-old Welsummer, whom we raised from 2 weeks post-hatch, has not begun laying. I'm concerned because I've read Welsummers typically lay at about 20 weeks. She is eating, foraging, pooping normally. She was one of 4 chicks we began raising in a brooder - the other 3 (Wyandotte, Buff Orpington, and Cinnamon Queen) are all laying. After a 2-month struggle, they are now all integrated with our older flock of 3 hens (4 1/2 years old) of Barred Rock, Jersey Giant, and Cinnamon Queen. They are all finally getting along, but the Welsummer remains extremely skittish. I have started to work at "catching" her every day and hold her for about 10 minutes. She calms down as soon as I have her in my arms and sits quietly with me until I put her down. She seems to be at the bottom of the pecking order. I'm not sure if this could be why she is still not laying. We have a lovely newly built coop with 2 large runs, 3 nest boxes, and multiple roosts and logs for vertical space as well. The chickens get mostly organic feed and enjoy some free range time with our supervision about 1-2 hours per day. Has anyone experienced this with their Welsummers in particular?