3 & 4 week old baby chicks don't wanna eat anything else than raw rice , what should i do?

I have 2 chicks one is 3 weeks and other 4 weeks and they dom't wanna eat anything other than raw rice, raw rice doesn't have enough nutritions for them and they are falling sick- what should i do?
they get scared or surprised when they see new foods and don't wanna eat it.
also i can't buy meal worms or insects here cuz they don't sell it. :[ plz help
They should not eat raw rice!!!! Boiled eggs minced up or scrambled eggs is good to get them interested. mix water with thier starter feed and peck thier feed with your finger get them curious.
thanks a lot :") i tried feeding them egg yolk and they seem too scared of it and starts chriping loudy when they see it. so i stoped with that, i have commercial check feed but they don't eat it only peak at that. ok i'll try doing the hard boiled egg hope they eat it :"") thanks
That should be cooked egg yolk
the cage is always open so they can come out but they used to come out but past 3 days they stoped coming out and doesn't even stand up. they don't eat anything else then rice. :"[ i am really afriad they'll streve so i hand feed them other things. more than eating started they like to sleep on it
This is 😔 every chicken should get an opportunity to peck in dirt or grass. The "enclosure" looks too small for a parakeet let alone any chicken breed. Put the poor birds on your deck/ porch with a child gate from Walmart and a cat litter pan full of dirt or grass whatever you can dig up and put in there for them. Maybe even an edible native plant. If you care for these birds give them air🙂
This is 😔 every chicken should get an opportunity to peck in dirt or grass. The "enclosure" looks too small for a parakeet let alone any chicken breed. Put the poor birds on your deck/ porch with a child gate from Walmart and a cat litter pan full of dirt or grass whatever you can dig up and put in there for them. Maybe even an edible native plant. If you care for these birds give them air🙂
As far as food: oatmeal is cheap and quick, add a safe protein option (nuts, cooked eggs, etc) It will be gone in an instant( not too hot though just like a human baby temp)

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