
Jun 16, 2022
Hello- I’m hoping someone has seen something similar to this. I can’t find any information on a duckling that has all of these issues at once and I have never encountered ANY of these issues before so I am hoping for reassurances if I’m helping it right, and advice if I could help it better.

The duckling hatched by over this past weekend. The other 4 ducklings seem to be in perfect health. First of all, it doesn’t walk on it’s feet. It sort of flops to where it needs to go and occasionally ends up on it’s back. Both feet appear curled up but otherwise normal if I spread them out. The duckling is capable of moving both legs. Tonight we made little splint/shoes for both of it’s feet to straighten them out.

Along with that issue, the poor little duckling has a weirdly textured bill. I am barely able to make out it’s nares. Also, it’s top bill is slightly smaller than the bottom. It breathes fine with it’s bill shut and also eats and drinks fine.

It started out there same size as the others but they are quickly outgrowing this one. Also, it’s eyes are very small in comparison to the bright and big eyes of the others. They are all extremely cuddly and friendly towards this duckling which melts my heart. Wherever it settles, they go to it instead of leaving it alone- even in my hand!

We are supplementing a general poultry vitamin supplement from tractor supply that has a lot of B vitamin. I have hand fed it the vitamin rich water with syringe at least 8 times a day the last two days and today. This is just to make sure that it’s getting enough with it’s limited mobility because it seems to eat the duckling food, the mealworms, some sprouts, and drink the water just fine on it’s own.

We have the ducklings inside in a brooder with a heat lamp. I plan to keep the little fashionable duck shoes on it for two days.

If you see anything else I can do to help this little cutie please tell me because I feel so lost and helpless 😭😭😭


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I think the little shoes will help his feet to straighten
Are you providing chick grit as you are giving treats. Ducks have a hard time digesting foods that are not regular feed and need chick grit to do so
In the wild they use sand and small rocks but in domestic we need to provide this
If he is eating and drinking that’s a great sign.
Have you checked his bum for pasty butt ? Sometimes when they aren’t growing as fast it’s cause they aren’t eating as much this can be from many things but one I like to check right away is the blocked bum
I think the little shoes will help his feet to straighten
Are you providing chick grit as you are giving treats. Ducks have a hard time digesting foods that are not regular feed and need chick grit to do so
In the wild they use sand and small rocks but in domestic we need to provide this
If he is eating and drinking that’s a great sign.
Have you checked his bum for pasty butt ? Sometimes when they aren’t growing as fast it’s cause they aren’t eating as much this can be from many things but one I like to check right away is the blocked bum
Yes I am providing chick grit, thank you. Actually I was very worried about him not pooping and so when he did poop on me I was laughing that it was the only time I’ve been thrilled to have a duck poop on me hahaha. Does 2 days for the shoes sounds about right?
Yes I am providing chick grit, thank you. Actually I was very worried about him not pooping and so when he did poop on me I was laughing that it was the only time I’ve been thrilled to have a duck poop on me hahaha. Does 2 days for the shoes sounds about right?
I’m like that to for the first poo 😂
I haven’t had one that needed a shoe but have read up a lot on others putting them on when the foot is curled up
@Miss Lydia
May have more info on how long
They will be in bed Now but will see the tags in the morning
They may also Have ideas on his little beak issue
Giving the extra vitamins was a great idea in case he isn’t eating as much as he should
Very beautiful batch of babies you got :)
I’m like that to for the first poo 😂
I haven’t had one that needed a shoe but have read up a lot on others putting them on when the foot is curled up
@Miss Lydia
May have more info on how long
They will be in bed Now but will see the tags in the morning
They may also Have ideas on his little beak issue
Giving the extra vitamins was a great idea in case he isn’t eating as much as he should
Very beautiful batch of babies you got :)
Thank you so much!!
It depends there is no timeline on how long to keep the shoes on. Hopefully 2-5 days will take care of the issue. Does it seem to be helping yet?
We do have members who have ducklings ducks with malpositioned bills and they do just fine. Sometimes they need a deeper bowl so they can scoop their feed or even wetted down so it's easier to eat.
I have a duck with a bill deformity, im not sure if this'll be of help to you but heres the link to the thread on my duck
(Edited to add the link I forgot to put it in before posting)
Hello- I’m hoping someone has seen something similar to this. I can’t find any information on a duckling that has all of these issues at once and I have never encountered ANY of these issues before so I am hoping for reassurances if I’m helping it right, and advice if I could help it better.

The duckling hatched by over this past weekend. The other 4 ducklings seem to be in perfect health. First of all, it doesn’t walk on it’s feet. It sort of flops to where it needs to go and occasionally ends up on it’s back. Both feet appear curled up but otherwise normal if I spread them out. The duckling is capable of moving both legs. Tonight we made little splint/shoes for both of it’s feet to straighten them out.

Along with that issue, the poor little duckling has a weirdly textured bill. I am barely able to make out it’s nares. Also, it’s top bill is slightly smaller than the bottom. It breathes fine with it’s bill shut and also eats and drinks fine.

It started out there same size as the others but they are quickly outgrowing this one. Also, it’s eyes are very small in comparison to the bright and big eyes of the others. They are all extremely cuddly and friendly towards this duckling which melts my heart. Wherever it settles, they go to it instead of leaving it alone- even in my hand!

We are supplementing a general poultry vitamin supplement from tractor supply that has a lot of B vitamin. I have hand fed it the vitamin rich water with syringe at least 8 times a day the last two days and today. This is just to make sure that it’s getting enough with it’s limited mobility because it seems to eat the duckling food, the mealworms, some sprouts, and drink the water just fine on it’s own.

We have the ducklings inside in a brooder with a heat lamp. I plan to keep the little fashionable duck shoes on it for two days.

If you see anything else I can do to help this little cutie please tell me because I feel so lost and helpless 😭😭😭
Good luck with the little one!
It depends there is no timeline on how long to keep the shoes on. Hopefully 2-5 days will take care of the issue. Does it seem to be helping yet?
We do have members who have ducklings ducks with malpositioned bills and they do just fine. Sometimes they need a deeper bowl so they can scoop their feed or even wetted down so it's easier to eat.
I ended up
Having to take them off in the middle of the night because when I went in to check on him, he was all wet and the little shoes were wet too. We’re about to try that again!
I have a duck with a bill deformity, im not sure if this'll be of help to you but heres the link to the thread on my duck
(Edited to add the link I forgot to put it in before posting)

Good luck with the little one!
Yes I read through the whole thing about beautiful Rose yesterday actually! I hate that it’s probably caused difficulties for her but dang she looks so cute and happy 😍
Best to keep them out of water when they have Shoes on. You can also make them
Out of a plastic container cut to foot size wrap in vet wrap to cover sharp edges place feet on and vet wrap feet and up around ankle to help keep them on.

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