3 week Old Lavender Orpington Sex?


In the Brooder
Jun 9, 2021
Hey friends!

I have two 3 week old Lavender Orpington chicks and 1 black surprise chick. They were all supposed to be lavenders but somehow this guy/gal hatched!

Anyways. I’m looking for some opinions of if they are cockerels or pullets. When I wing sexed at day old they all looked pullet but I know that’s not always reliable.

Thanks in advance!


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Do you have any idea how a black chick showed up from lavender eggs? Im still trying to figure that one out lol!
I am very new to this and chicken genetics is big to get your head around 🤯 Well, for me it is 😂 buttt from my understanding so far if a Lavender Orpington is crossed with a different colour Orpington it is likely to produce black chicks but the chick will carry the Lavender colour. There are a few posts on BYC about the different colour variations of Orpington’s from cross colours. I will find this out for sure next year when I start to breed mine 😆
With regards to gender, it is too early to really tell but my guess would be the two lavender are pullets and black I’d say pullet but not sure. I have some approx 4 weeks and some have much thicker legs and their wattles and combs are already getting big and red. Will add some pic’s tomorrow. Jen 😊
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I have a Splash English Orpington chick that’s parents are both black and chocolate but here she is l!!! You can see her siblings with the parentage!! It’s all a guessing game with these color variations!! 551002B1-FF2F-4C1C-927C-C4CEACFF4781.jpeg 2BF471BD-8A32-4F87-ACAA-21C219694338.jpeg F463164D-0ABB-4F49-86BF-233EC6AA7223.jpeg 26FD572E-DA56-477C-94C8-81E99CD06E7B.jpeg
Do you have any idea how a black chick showed up from lavender eggs? Im still trying to figure that one out lol!

If you have a Lavender, it carries 2 Lavender genes.

Pure Lavender also carry "shredder" genes. To help eradicate that & improve Lavenders overall, they are usually crossed w/ high quality blacks. ALL chicks from this cross are called a "split" & has 1 Lavender & 1 Black gene. ALL chicks will be black.

Looks like the original breeder may have had a "split" in the breeding pens. Could have been from rooster or hen.


Edit to add - i do not know how other colors work w/ Lavenders. I did a lot of research at one time (most notes lost in our 2nd computer crash, before we had external hard drives). The breeders I spoke with used only Blacks for imprLavender.

I had Lavender Ameraucana & Lavender Orpingtons. I also had BBS Ameraucana- LOVE Blue & Splash colors. The blue gene is different than lavender.
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