In the Brooder
Hello - new to raising chicks. I have (had) 17 chicks in a brooder which I got as day old/few days old chicks. I didn't have any issues that I was aware of - they were all growing well and also vaccinated against cocci. A few days ago, I sadly found one dead in the brooder.
It was a wyandotte chick and was the smallest of the lot. It didn't present any health issues that I was aware of before it died. But it was the smallest chick (despite them all being the same age, though different breeds). I'm not sure what happened, it had food, water and the required heat. I'm guessing either it was trampled on by the other chicks or had a random health episode. Is it normal to lose chicks like this when raising? I read on another thread to expect a mortality rate of 10% from hatch to lay. Is that true?
It was a wyandotte chick and was the smallest of the lot. It didn't present any health issues that I was aware of before it died. But it was the smallest chick (despite them all being the same age, though different breeds). I'm not sure what happened, it had food, water and the required heat. I'm guessing either it was trampled on by the other chicks or had a random health episode. Is it normal to lose chicks like this when raising? I read on another thread to expect a mortality rate of 10% from hatch to lay. Is that true?