30+ hens / no eggs / 4+ months


Nov 5, 2024
Good morning everybody!

My wife and I are in our second year or so of chicken tendering and since about July or so, we've not gotten any eggs from our flock.

We've treated everyone with Corid, I've given drops of ivermectin, sprayed with Permethrin - and nothing seems to be giving us any kind of forward progress.

I DO NOT believe this is a daylight issue.

I DO NOT believe this is a predator issue.

I DO NOT believe this is an egg hiding issue.

We've had this issue for months, and it's flock-wide.

No egg songs. Combs are slightly pale, but not too far off normal. Coop is clean.

We've got ducks in the same area as the chickens, who are also not laying.

Any information is appreciated!
Welcome to BYC! :frow

The only thing you don't mention is if you have considered it as a possible age related issue.. such as molting.

How old and what breeds are you working with?

What does your feed routine/nutrition look like?
The only reason I'm ruling out age related, is because all egg laying stopped at the same time.

We've got hens ranging from 8 months old to 2-3 years old.

We've got RIR, Barred Rock, Ameraucana, Silkies, Polishes, Legbars, and a handful of others I'm forgetting.
Get higher protein feed and cut out the scratch to start with. Have you noticed any pin feathers? Any chance of hidden nests.
No pin feathers.

No hidden nest(s)

We've already tried bumping them up to a 22% high protein feed, and it made no difference.

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