3rd Soft Egg


In the Brooder
May 17, 2022
Minneapolis, Minnesota
My two Isa Browns are 1 1/2 years old. Good layers. For the last three nights one has laid a soft egg. The latest had no shell. I added probiotics to the feed and hand fed oyster shells to her. She is eating and drinking.They get scrambled eggs with shells once a week, oyster shells always available. About a month ago the dominant chicken was reintroduced to the coop after being in recovery with a leg injury, which has been stressful for both...pecking order being re-established. They're finishing up molting for first time. And, cold came on quickly in Minnesota. Help! Any suggestions are welcome.
It could just be a glitch, but all of these factors can have an impact as you know. If it doesn’t work out shortly maybe have her checked for an infection. It can be bacterial or viral. I hope she’s ok!
So she's done molting and resumed laying? How long ago did she resume laying? Not unusual to see glitches when birds are starting up (whether for first time or after molt) or ending laying for a season.

If the problem persists you could try calcium citrate tablets (the type meant for humans) once a day for a week or so and see if that helps.
Thank each of you for responding.

I did check and there are still feathers coming in for both chickens. I've been getting one good egg a day. While I thought the soft egg was from just one hen, they might both be laying soft eggs.

I added Nutri-Drench to their water thinking they might need more vitamin d. They have plenty of calcium from feed, egg shells and oyster shells.

I have supplemental lighting and am wondering if I should give them a break from it. Perhaps their bodies are working overtime with new feathers, keeping warm and producing eggs. Suggestions?
It could just be a glitch, but all of these factors can have an impact as you know. If it doesn’t work out shortly maybe have her checked for an infection. It can be bacterial or viral. I hope she’s ok!
I'm watching both of them closely. They're eating and drinking. No signs of weakness, discoloration of combs, waddles or feet, no swelling.
Yes, I've been using it. Thinking it could be part of the problem.
How are you using it...timer set for when to when during what months of the year??

Does Mpls mean Minneapolis?
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
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