4.5 week old leghorn, male or female?


Sep 29, 2015
La Mirada California


male or female leghorn. What do you guys think?
Not showing any blatant cockerel characteristics, so would say pullet for now *but* that is purely preliminary and should be re-assessed in another 2 weeks or more as 6+ weeks is a better time to get serious about gender ID except for those that show absolutely screaming signs (ie large pink comb/wattles, or those with gender based feathering, etc).
Not showing any blatant cockerel characteristics, so would say pullet for now *but* that is purely preliminary and should be re-assessed in another 2 weeks or more as 6+ weeks is a better time to get serious about gender ID except for those that show absolutely screaming signs (ie large pink comb/wattles, or those with gender based feathering, etc).

I agree.
Not showing any blatant cockerel characteristics, so would say pullet for now *but* that is purely preliminary and should be re-assessed in another 2 weeks or more as 6+ weeks is a better time to get serious about gender ID except for those that show absolutely screaming signs (ie large pink comb/wattles, or those with gender based feathering, etc).

I also agree. :)

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