One of my young pullets got wry neck about a month ago, at the time I didn't know what it was since I'm new to this and it wasn't until about 2 weeks later that I learned she had wry neck, I brought her inside and for the past 2 weeks have been feeding her soaked bread covered with 400ui of vitamin E oil and a crushed up selenium tablet in the mornings, then soaked grain with growers pellets through the day, when I first brought her in she seemed not too bad sometimes she could hold her head up but now she can't hold it up at all, I'm hand feeding her and having to hold her head up, at this point I don't think she's going to get better since she's be declining but I don't want to put her down unless she was in pain, I set up a tiny roost not far off the ground beside a large mirror for her so that she might see it as another hen so she won't be depressed I don't know if it's working though, I think because I didn't realize what it was 2 weeks too late is why it's so bad the other hens could have been peking at her and making it worse all that time, she often twitches her head it looks as if she's like trying to untangle it or something? Or worse case scenario she's having seizures, again I really don't want to put the poor girl down but if she's in pain and won't recover idk