Silkie chick- 6 weeks possible wry neck- stretching out neck


Dec 18, 2023
I brought in my 6 week old silkie in the house and i believe she may have wry neck. I am giving her vitamin E/selenum as well as b complex since i treated another silkie last year successfully. My concern is she is stretching her neck out and screeching kind of but i am not sure if that is due to the wry neck or if that’s a symptom. I’m also doing vet rx under her wings because she was sneezing. I am going to attempt to attached a video of the neck thing.

She is eating and drinking just falling backwards and wobbly. Shes attempting to preen but i know that’s hard with wry neck.

Any help would be great!

Thanks so much
I brought in my 6 week old silkie in the house and i believe she may have wry neck. I am giving her vitamin E/selenum as well as b complex since i treated another silkie last year successfully. My concern is she is stretching her neck out and screeching kind of but i am not sure if that is due to the wry neck or if that’s a symptom. I’m also doing vet rx under her wings because she was sneezing. I am going to attempt to attached a video of the neck thing.

She is eating and drinking just falling backwards and wobbly. Shes attempting to preen but i know that’s hard with wry neck.

Any help would be great!

Thanks so much
What does her crop feel like? Stretching the neck like that may be adjusting the crop, but I do hear the noise, it's almost like a sneeze.

Look inside her beak to make sure it's clear of mucous, lesions or any type of debris.

I'd continue with Vitamin therapy of giving 400IU Vitamin E and 1/4tablet B-Complex. Egg as a treat which is sufficient Selenium for the uptake of E.

Do look her over for lice/mites.

Do you have history of respiratory illness within your flock(s)? If so, then it may be a good idea to start her on Tylosin if the sneezing doesn't resolve.

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