4 Week old blue bantam cochin gender guesses

Im voting males. Id bet my right arm.
I’m happy to see yours for comparison! Now at nearly 11 weeks very little growth in combs and wattles, the light blue still barely has any visible. The splash and darker blue definitely have more visible but not much growth in the last few weeks. Our two Silkie cockerels the same age have begun crowing but nothing from the bantam cochins. some pointy hackles no saddle feathers coming in but the hackles look identical to my adult mottled bantam cochin hen. No big indicators of a rooster that I see, and all of them are hatchery quality. I’ll upload more pictures later today when it’s nice and sunny, but when they’re relaxed all of their combs and wattles are still light pink.
I'd have said pullets. There is virtually no comb or wattles development at 7 weeks. By 6 weeks boys would be very obvious.
I felt pretty similar and even at 11 weeks now there’s small wattles but no obvious growth and a lot of hen behavior. They have grown up with 3 Silkie chicks about the same age and two of the silkies are crowing already but nothing from the cochins!
any updates? I have LFC and my roo had a pink comb pretty early that you could see. the 3 hens had ZERO combs for the longest time (like 4 mo with still nothing for a comb).

if I had to guess based off of that I say all cockerels.
So far at just under 11 weeks no saddle feathers or long/pointy hackle feathers and very minimal comb and wattle development! The silkies they’ve been raised with are crowing already but nothing but peeps and hen behavior from all three cochins. Still waiting for one to start crowing but so far nothing is screaming rooster other than some small wattles on the splash and darker blue
I’m happy to see yours for comparison! Now at nearly 11 weeks very little growth in combs and wattles, the light blue still barely has any visible. The splash and darker blue definitely have more visible but not much growth in the last few weeks. Our two Silkie cockerels the same age have begun crowing but nothing from the bantam cochins. some pointy hackles no saddle feathers coming in but the hackles look identical to my adult mottled bantam cochin hen. No big indicators of a rooster that I see, and all of them are hatchery quality. I’ll upload more pictures later today when it’s nice and sunny, but when they’re relaxed all of their combs and wattles are still light pink.
Pointy hackle is a indicator of a rooster, but i think its to young to rely on that. Though i could be wrong.

Funny, this seems to be a universal thing within cochins, its like their face is a mood changing ring!
Pointy hackle is a indicator of a rooster, but i think its to young to rely on that. Though i could be wrong.

Funny, this seems to be a universal thing within cochins, its like their face is a mood changing ring!
Yes!! It’s been so confusing because one minute when they’re running around they’re pretty bright red but when they are in the shade relaxing it’s BAM super fleshy light pink. The suspense is killing me 😭
Well this was a rollercoaster! At first I thought pullets and then I was on the fence but at 7 weeks I was on the pullet side because although there was colour the growth was next to nothing.
Thank you for keeping this up to date, I love to know the end of the story!
They are beautiful chicks 😊

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