4 wk old Salmon Faverolle mix.....pullet or cockerel?


11 Years
Jun 26, 2008
Valrico, Florida
My Coop
My Coop
I keep going back and forth on this chick....one day it looks pullet and then I think cockerel.....what do you guys think? The feather coloring is throwing me off...looks like a pullet to me but the comb says cockerel..right? Thanks!

I can see why you are confused! I would expect the chest feathers to be coming in black if it were a boy but that comb is pretty large so that seems boy-like.

What is s/he's other half? Something with a ginormous comb I hope. The good news is the comb is still pretty pale, so I am going to guess girl based on color just cuz I want it to be a girl!
Silver grey Dorking pullet.

Doesn't look like a mix to me. Looks like a silver grey Dorking pullet. Dorkings are another 5 toed breed.
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Glad I'm not alone with this little mystery. I hope it is a pullet!

I bought some hatching eggs on ebay and hatched them out. The ad for the seller on ebay reads: Our flock includes Ameraucana (Aracuna), Barred Rock, Black Australorp, Black Langshan, Buff Orpington, California White, Copper Maran, Gold Sex Link, Iowa Blue, Production Red, Salmon Favorelle, and Welsummer. I'm thinking it is half Salmon Faverolle because of the 5 toes and it has a muff/beard.

keesmom - the color looks like a Dorking but the breeder didn't have any Dorkings. Maybe it's a mix of Ameraucana/Salmon Faverolle?
Silver grey Dorking pullet.

Doesn't look like a mix to me. Looks like a silver grey Dorking pullet. Dorkings are another 5 toed breed.

After thinking about it, think you are right-- there is Dorking there. Something was bothering me: i spent all my time looking at the comb and feather color and missed that the legs are completely featherless. If this were a half- Faverolles, there would still be quite a bit of feathers there.

There are 5 breeds of chicken that have 5 toes that I can think of, Dorking, Silkie, Houdan, Faverolles and Sultan. Dorking and Houdan are the only ones with clean legs but Houdans have crests. Everything else fits with Dorking. So this one may be at least 1/2 Dorking. Perhaps they forgot to list that breed? Can you message them to find out?
After thinking about it, think you are right-- there is Dorking there. Something was bothering me: i spent all my time looking at the comb and feather color and missed that the legs are completely featherless. If this were a half- Faverolles, there would still be quite a bit of feathers there.

There are 5 breeds of chicken that have 5 toes that I can think of, Dorking, Silkie, Houdan, Faverolles and Sultan. Dorking and Houdan are the only ones with clean legs but Houdans have crests. Everything else fits with Dorking. So this one may be at least 1/2 Dorking. Perhaps they forgot to list that breed? Can you message them to find out?

I looked up Dorkings on the web and mine does look just like a Dorking pullet as Keesmom indicated.

I will email the breeder to find out if he has any Dorkings but the chick does look like one. I will ask the breeder and let know and Keesmom know what I discover. I love a good mystery!!!

Thanks for your comments. I appreciate the help. Are Dorking hens good layers? I see a muff...could it be part Ameraucana or that could be the Salmon Faverolle?
After thinking about it, think you are right-- there is Dorking there. Something was bothering me: i spent all my time looking at the comb and feather color and missed that the legs are completely featherless. If this were a half- Faverolles, there would still be quite a bit of feathers there.

There are 5 breeds of chicken that have 5 toes that I can think of, Dorking, Silkie, Houdan, Faverolles and Sultan. Dorking and Houdan are the only ones with clean legs but Houdans have crests. Everything else fits with Dorking. So this one may be at least 1/2 Dorking. Perhaps they forgot to list that breed? Can you message them to find out?

Update....the breeder said he has Silver Gray Dorkings......answers that question! He forgot to put that breed in the ad. He said it's a cross of Dorking hen/Ameraucana Roo more than likely. Will it lay cream eggs or possible green/blue eggs? Thanks!
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