5 Week Old Chick - Pullet?


9 Years
Mar 23, 2015
I'm hoping this kiddo here is a pullet since we picked her out especially for those chocolate eggs...her comb is looking bigger and redder than my turken chicks and my orpington but I'm hoping she is still a she!
She's exactly 5 weeks old today and a Cuckoo Marans. Thank you in advance!

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Aw man, I hope not, we bought her as a pullet. x n x Thank you, I'll see what everyone else says and hope for the best.
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I agree with the others but if it's any consolation you are unlikely to get a decent dark (chocolate) egg from a hatchery cuckoo Marans pullet anyway. You really need a Black Copper Marans to get a half decent dark egg from a hatchery. If this had been a pullet, I think you would still have been disappointed if you were set on chocolate coloured eggs.

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