6 Double-Yoke Quail Eggs in the Incubator

Nope, unfoetunately, Have never had a double yoke develop much at all really ☹️ I currently have some quail eggs incubating and im sure a couple are doubles but early on. However, far more time critical at the moment, I have ten chicken eggs on night 20. I am worried as several are badly saddled. I dont think any have internally pipped yet, a few are definitely malpositioned. They are all important but one of the saddled eggs is from a breed that I have been trying to hatch several times ans have had no luck! They are somwhat difficult to find here and I am so anxious for it to be okay! So, I am currently, just trying to keep busy ☹️. Thank you for your kind best wishes! 🩷
Awww I know how that feels!!! I really hope that the saddled eggs hatch just fine! I have found that with my own hatching, saddled eggs tend to hatch pretty well. Malpositioned is a little harder because sometimes they can get in the right place to be able to pip since they aren’t going through the air cell. I hope they all do very well for you!!! If they don’t internally pip by day 21, I would consider helping. But I tend to be an early helper rather than a “wait and see” kind of person 😅 I have lost many chicks that I feel could have hatched if I had helped them sooner. Helping always has its risks though and they don’t always make it. I especially am hoping that your more rare breed makes it out!!
I was so worried after zero action that i quickly candled. Saw movement in almost all. We now have 2 internal pips and 2 safety pips foe malpositioned. Thankfully their beaks are exposed to air and they are breathing. The babies are resting now as I wouldnt want them to come out with unabsorwbed yolk etc. This is absolute torture! 🫠
I was so worried after zero action that i quickly candled. Saw movement in almost all. We now have 2 internal pips and 2 safety pips foe malpositioned. Thankfully their beaks are exposed to air and they are breathing. The babies are resting now as I wouldnt want them to come out with unabsorwbed yolk etc. This is absolute torture! 🫠
That is great!!! Come on babies!!!
Day 22 and first baby is out. Super tired, difficult hatch, many are malpositioned (damn postage). However, she chilling, no mushy tummy or anything xx


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Day 22 and first baby is out. Super tired, difficult hatch, many are malpositioned (damn postage). However, she chilling, no mushy tummy or anything xx
Good job baby!!! I hope a few others were able to hatch to join her! I would probably consider helping at this point since they are 22 days.
I am so angry with myself, we have 3 precious babies, I was able to save. Unfortunately, we lost some. I didn't even start trying to help until last night because every1 here says leave it, leave it.
So last night, I tried to help one, its head was between its legs towards fat end, had died in the hour before yet still had yolk to absorb. Then I tried to help another in same position, saw some small blood so as the hatching guide here says I put her straight back, humidity 70%. Kept moistening membrane, still red veins, waited more, waited overnight. This morning I couldnt see movement so I helped, she died in the night.
So my best was not good enough. Its so hard to judge the right time. I had to also help out the next to hatch, she stayed attached to shell for 12 hours by cord, resting, but shes running about with others now.
So my question is, if a baby is malpositioned, how can you save it? Do they need air as soon as they absprb yolk and veins. Because, if so, you are waiting for zero blood and red veins to be visible to help but they would die immediately so you would be too late. Therefore, is it a worst outcome to help when a few light veins left or wait till its too late cos they needed air. Because the one we helped that still had tiny veins and cord attached to shell is bouncing about yet others died. I strongly felt head was wrong way so what was I waiting for? Even if they managed to pip upside down they wouldnt have hit air or have i mosunderstood something. Heartbroken here 💔
I am so angry with myself, we have 3 precious babies, I was able to save. Unfortunately, we lost some. I didn't even start trying to help until last night because every1 here says leave it, leave it.
So last night, I tried to help one, its head was between its legs towards fat end, had died in the hour before yet still had yolk to absorb. Then I tried to help another in same position, saw some small blood so as the hatching guide here says I put her straight back, humidity 70%. Kept moistening membrane, still red veins, waited more, waited overnight. This morning I couldnt see movement so I helped, she died in the night.
So my best was not good enough. Its so hard to judge the right time. I had to also help out the next to hatch, she stayed attached to shell for 12 hours by cord, resting, but shes running about with others now.
So my question is, if a baby is malpositioned, how can you save it? Do they need air as soon as they absprb yolk and veins. Because, if so, you are waiting for zero blood and red veins to be visible to help but they would die immediately so you would be too late. Therefore, is it a worst outcome to help when a few light veins left or wait till its too late cos they needed air. Because the one we helped that still had tiny veins and cord attached to shell is bouncing about yet others died. I strongly felt head was wrong way so what was I waiting for? Even if they managed to pip upside down they wouldnt have hit air or have i mosunderstood something. Heartbroken here 💔
Your 3 babies are gorgeous. I am so relieved that you ended up with 3 surviving. I have been in your exact same situation, many times. Wishing I had helped sooner. I’m so sorry, it is so hard. I am at a point now where I know my incubators better, and I know that if everyone else has hatched and I don’t see internal pip (or especially if I don’t see an external pip) then I start to help. I do it very slowly. If there are large veins in the membrane I keep it moist and just make sure that they are able to breathe by ensuring that there is a hole for the beak if there isn’t one yet. And then just keep a close eye.

Anyways I could go on but I know it doesn’t really help at this point. Just know that I feel your pain, as I have been in this situation many times, with expensive shipped eggs that I wanted so badly to hatch. It’s something that I have just had to learn over time, and lost a lot of chicks along the way. And still lose them sometimes. Hugs to you and hug your little babies tight. And don’t blame yourself, as it is possible that you could have lost all of them even if you had helped, as you just never know.

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