6+ Salmon Faverolle eggs


9 Years
Mar 4, 2010
Bishop CA
This sale is for 6 Salmon Faverolle eggs with extra eggs. ( Usually two). I have only one girl that is laying at the moment, so I can't sell very many at once. My Salmon Faverolles are standard size, though my roo and one girl are a bit smaller then the other two hens. They lay nice tinted eggs, medium sized, that are very fertile. Message me or call me if you want to know more or have questions. (951) 505 4276

The Rooster
He doesn't have the best foot feathering but he has very nice color and shape. He's also rather small but still a large fowl bird.

Hen 1
Very nice coloring, shape, and size, but her toes aren't as good

Hen 2
Small, but good coloring and good foot feathering, Still a large fowl bird

Hen 3
Her color isn't perfect but she has great toe placement and size

I forgot to add, If you really want more eggs then 6, or eggs from all the girls instead of just the one (I think it's either hen 2 or 3 thats laying) They should lay better in about a month. It's still snowing and freezing in the morning here, and they just finished their moult (poor babies a cold snap caught them after they took off their winter coat ): ) so they aren't laying as much as they could. If you message me we could work something out for later in the month?

Hi, I'm in CA too, just waaaay up here, and would be interested in a few eggs for shipping out next week. I don't need a lot, but would like them to be as fresh/ready as possible. How are they laying now?

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