
Apr 13, 2020
I have gathered 25 laying hens over the past couple of months. 9 were younger pullets and the rest were laying prior to me acquiring them. I am getting 5-7 eggs a day. Is this normal?
They have access to oyster shell and get layer crumbles.
Ok, are they getting at least 14 hours of light? If not add a light to your coop. How cold is it near you (they should be fine though 25!!) How old are the pullets?? What breed(s)??
Ok, are they getting at least 14 hours of light? If not add a light to your coop. How cold is it near you (they should be fine though 25!!) How old are the pullets?? What breed(s)??
They are getting light, golden comets light brahmas Easter Eggers barred rock Plymouth blue rock have been getting 60 +Days
I have gathered 25 laying hens over the past couple of months. 9 were younger pullets and the rest were laying prior to me acquiring them. I am getting 5-7 eggs a day. Is this normal?
They have access to oyster shell and get layer crumbles.
Could be moving stress.
How old, in months, are they all?

They are getting light,
Do you have supplemental lighting on a timer...details please?
some are 1 1/2 year old and other are 6 mths. Light on a 12 hr timer.
The older ones may have started laying at their old home but stopped due to the move.
When does the light come on in the morning?
Did they have supplemental lighting at their old home?
It can take couple-few weeks for it to kick in.

Oh, gotta know.....
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!

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