7 week Polish - what sex is this one?


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Thank you so much! She’s really pretty! Hoping mine ends up looking like yours 🤞
She is sweet and lets me hold her even tho she’s not laying or squatting yet (I have to trick her to get her but once I have her she is calm). This is Ethyl and my gold lace is Lucy. I bet there are a lot of Lucy and Ethel polish hens!
She is sweet and lets me hold her even tho she’s not laying or squatting yet (I have to trick her to get her but once I have her she is calm). This is Ethyl and my gold lace is Lucy. I bet there are a lot of Lucy and Ethel po
She is sweet and lets me hold her even tho she’s not laying or squatting yet (I have to trick her to get her but once I have her she is calm). This is Ethyl and my gold lace is Lucy. I bet there are a lot of Lucy and Ethel polish hens!

lish hens!
She was a surprise chick. I first got a white crested black polish and for some reason she died after a week. The place I got her from gave me a replacement and I chose the gold laced black. When she met me to give me this one she had the buff in the box as a surprise. I was shocked and worried this was too many chickens for me. I have a small coop and now 9 chickens (I was pushing it at 8). So far they are doing okay, still some bullying going on but the 5 “littles” sleep on one roost and the 4 bigs on another. I’m so thrilled now to have the 2 Polish.

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