8 of 12 eggs never hatched

Have you started these? Or are they sitting room temperature? What color are their shells? White ones are easier to see veins once you get them going.

The first two look funky

The last one you can see the yolk near the middle.

I am not an expert by any means, I've just read this forum over and over again learning all I can. I'm not sure who to tag though for assistance. @TwoCrows ?
Shells are white. They are sitting at room temperature. I was hoping to pop them in when this last batch hatched but I have 8 in there that have done nothing. Hatch Day was yesterday.
How long have you had these next eggs? You may want to see about getting another thermometer, a Goove from zon is really neat- monitor by phone humidity and temp. Or another mercury or such thermometer that you can calibrate. That way you have a better idea of your incubator is too hot or too cold.

I sent a post about silkies, and temps around 99.5 are better.

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