8 year old grandson-1, Hawk-0


10 Years
Mar 5, 2009
Church Hill, TN
My 8 year old grandson was out watering his little garden he has growing, I was watching a few of the chickens that were free ranging in front of me. All the sudden there with this "call" and a hawk dropped out of the nearby trees towards the chickens.

My grandson turns on his heels and yells, "Oh no you don't Mr. Hawk, you're not eating MY chickens!" and he sprays the hawk with the hose!!!

All this happened in a millisecond! I hadn't even gotten out of my chair yet. The hawk was on the ground SOAKED, he had to run into the woods, with my grandson chasing behind him with the hose drenching him until I called him back.

I don't think "Mr. Hawk" will come back if my grandson is out with the hose again!! LOL I only wish I had brought my camera out with me, it was absolutely hilarious to watch!

Yay Grandson! I think he deserves some ice cream grandma

that'll learn Mr. Hawk
He's so proud of himself! He's been out there watching to make sure that Mr. Hawk doesn't come back. LOL!!

He has his own little flock of oegb's and in a few weeks they'll be big enough to go outside to their coop that he's helping to build. He said that he wants to teach that Mr. Hawk to go hunting somewhere else!

Here he is with his own little flock.


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