8X4 Homemade coops(post please)

I'm sorry, maybe I misinterpreted. I read 8x4 coop and run. I inferred 8x4 coop and run to mean 32 sq ft total. I agree with your 3-4 sq ft inside space if allowed to free range analysis. However, I don't think it matters what the breed, if we're talking 32 sq ft for 8 birds total. Not sure why you seem quite so defensive, maybe you should be a bit more specific next time...
Uh, the title reads "8x4 homemade coops (post please)".

Pretty darn specific.
I coupled the title "8x4 homemade coops" with your posts first line "Please post your coops for 8 birds and runs!" to "please post your 8x4 homemade coops and runs for 8 birds"... My fault.
Ours is 3x6 - chickens upstairs and ducks live downstairs

This is when it was just the chicken house and we didn't combine the 2...

2x4s and fence boards. And the plywood for our windows during hurricanes... we've since replaced, but not cut LOL
Both ends open for easy cleaning (I hose daily other than the few days in the winter where it doesn't get above freezing for the day)

could easily be 4x8 using 8' fence boards instead of 6' fence boards
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I'm sorry, maybe I misinterpreted. I read 8x4 coop and run. I inferred 8x4 coop and run to mean 32 sq ft total. I agree with your 3-4 sq ft inside space if allowed to free range analysis. However, I don't think it matters what the breed, if we're talking 32 sq ft for 8 birds total. Not sure why you seem quite so defensive, maybe you should be a bit more specific next time...
yes it does matter what breed if you consider bantams as a breed, bantams don't need as much space as LBs. And sorry I didn't mean to be defensive but I think I stated it pretty clearly and that you didn't have to post that in not getting any responses cause it's too small! Have you seen people's coop on here there jammed pack with chickens and a lot of people post on them showing theirs off. by the way thanks for agreeing cause most people say stupid stuff that isn't right. So thanks for that!
No worries.

Not to propagate this, but even considering bantams as a breed, I still think 32 sq ft for coop and run for 8 birds is too small. That's why I said regardless of breed.
Not trying to be combative, just trying to explain my state of mind when I made my response.
How many more birds do you think I could fit in this grow out coop? :idunno They put themselves to coop each night with no problems. Two things make this possible: Being brood mates and the variety/breed we keep are very well behaved.
I'm not trying to be mean but I think u might need a bigger coop that is a lot of birds in there.
No worries.

Not to propagate this, but even considering bantams as a breed, I still think 32 sq ft for coop and run for 8 birds is too small. That's why I said regardless of breed.
Not trying to be combative, just trying to explain my state of mind when I made my response.
Sorry i meant that the coop as 8x4 and the runs separate. ... but as just the coop that is just the right size for 8 birds and for bantams it is considered a bigger coop than necessary.
I believe the typing simply went in the wrong place, quoting, uploading photos and typing all in one post is not as easy as it sounds. What Hokum is saying is they have kept up to 26 birds in that 8x8 structure that has 3 levels due to shelving and roosts.

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