9 week old Cockerel tried to mate with a 9 week old pullet -- too aggressive/too soon?

Thank you guys so much for your insights -- I can move him/her back but are we sure?!??!?

Okay it was afternoon siesta time and nothing I did made either one of them get up and come over to me lol

this was the best I could do;


They look pointy to me??
Thank you guys so much for your insights -- I can move him/her back but are we sure?!??!?

Okay it was afternoon siesta time and nothing I did made either one of them get up and come over to me lol

this was the best I could do;

View attachment 3924764

They look pointy to me??
I can't really tell on the shape of the feathers but the color patterns is pretty consistent throughout which typically means pullet. Almost like a splash. If he/she is well behaved, I would put him/her back with the rest of the pullets until you know for sure.
I can't really tell on the shape of the feathers but the color patterns is pretty consistent throughout which typically means pullet. Almost like a splash. If he/she is well behaved, I would put him/her back with the rest of the pullets until you know for sure.
Well - she's always been curious and nosy but NOT bossy -- that was always George.

Lately, these two have squared up at each other constantly. I figured it was because they were both cockerels trying to assert dominance over who owned the pullets.

Since putting them together in the tractor, they have been calm. But Amelia/Chuck here has cried like a baby everytime they see me :(
Well - she's always been curious and nosy but NOT bossy -- that was always George.

Lately, these two have squared up at each other constantly. I figured it was because they were both cockerels trying to assert dominance over who owned the pullets.

Since putting them together in the tractor, they have been calm. But Amelia/Chuck here has cried like a baby everytime they see me :(
Aww! Well my Barred Rock pullets go head to head with the cockerel. They put him in his place. So I wouldn't say that's male behavior.
Aww! Well my Barred Rock pullets go head to head with the cockerel. They put him in his place. So I wouldn't say that's male behavior.
Okay when it was coop up time, she/he was DISTRESSED with George, who couldn't have cared less. They wanted OUT of the tractor and to go back 'home'

So, because we aren't sure about her/him, I didn't want to see them upset so I herded them back to the coop. We put George in the tractor coop alone tonight. He seems entirely unbothered.

For what it's worth, the 5 pullets left today were calm and peaceful all day. Zero drama without any of the Easter Eggers.

Tomorrow will be just Amelia/Chuck added back and I will watch and observe and see how it goes.
Okay when it was coop up time, she/he was DISTRESSED with George, who couldn't have cared less. They wanted OUT of the tractor and to go back 'home'

So, because we aren't sure about her/him, I didn't want to see them upset so I herded them back to the coop. We put George in the tractor coop alone tonight. He seems entirely unbothered.

For what it's worth, the 5 pullets left today were calm and peaceful all day. Zero drama without any of the Easter Eggers.

Tomorrow will be just Amelia/Chuck added back and I will watch and observe and see how it goes.
Sounds like a good plan! Try to take some good pictures of Amelia/Chuck if you get the chance.

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