90% rooster flock

Thank God, you can process them. Some people can't, and want advice how to make them all live together nicely.

Contact your local extension office, ask about poultry clubs, and or 4-H clubs. This can let you meet up with other crazy chicken people. Sometimes you can get pullets from them.

As for quarantine, always a good idea, but with one pullet, it is not a lot to risk. Do not take anything you are sorry for. Ask if they go to swaps or auctions. If they have not been introducing strange birds, and do not have sick birds, that is a good sign.

Mrs K
I didn’t even think about the local 4H or even FFA! And I live in a very farm town, the downfall is I don’t have Facebook so I’ll have to bug my husband for his again lol

We have a spot in our garage that we can quarantine if needed, but I agree that with one pullet remaining she should be okay with the new ones coming in. We have a potential 4 we want to bring in that we found but I want to do physically see their living conditions like you said!
So I’ve posted a few times about my BYC and if they were roos vs hens.
I must have some bad luck as a beginner because all three of the RIRs that TSC advertised and sold were supposed to be pullets and all three ended up being Roos. I had hope that the last RIR that we have was a hen because they were the smallest of the three … however today she started crowing and her tail plumage started showing signs of being a roo.
I’m so disappointed and upset that this happened. 5/6 of our beginning flock were roosters. How does someone get past that and continue? I know I need more hens now cause it isn’t fair to just have Pepper our only BR hen to be alone 😞
A purebred barred rock hen crossed with a purebred rr rooster will give you sex links.All the male chicks should be barred (easy to sex)


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My top 2 requirements when selecting a breed is one that is cold hardy and easy to sex.I also prefer they lay a lot of eggs(average size hens) It helps to be familiar with all the different breeds to help you pick chicks you'll be happy with.
I went with two RIRs and two Blue Lace Wyandottes! Found a local farm over by us and they were about 13-15 weeks old when we got them. They are adjusting well!
I went with two RIRs and two Blue Lace Wyandottes! Found a local farm over by us and they were about 13-15 weeks old when we got them. They are adjusting well!
We order twice as many as we need and give 1/2 away to prevent crowding. Wish I could find some of these locally but they don't offer a lot of breeds at our farm stores.We order from hatcheries usually
So I’ve posted a few times about my BYC and if they were roos vs hens.
I must have some bad luck as a beginner because all three of the RIRs that TSC advertised and sold were supposed to be pullets and all three ended up being Roos. I had hope that the last RIR that we have was a hen because they were the smallest of the three … however today she started crowing and her tail plumage started showing signs of being a roo.
I’m so disappointed and upset that this happened. 5/6 of our beginning flock were roosters. How does someone get past that and continue? I know I need more hens now cause it isn’t fair to just have Pepper our only BR hen to be alone 😞
Yeah, Rhode Island Reds are the ones most often roosters, at least in my experience. They have a 90% accuracy, but I still end up with the wrongly labeled males….
I have a rooster already so I'd give them away lol
I have somewhere between 5 and 8 roosters to rehome, because I can’t quite tell on the little ones, but I think I have 2 male Rhode Island Red, and 2 male Plymouth Barred Rock. I have another Rhode Island Red to get rid of, and a pair of hybrids (really pretty boys, might keep one) and a Bearded Americana (which the guy at TSC said was a pullet 😡) who has an attitude problem, but he’s really pretty. I want to get a couple chicks out of him before I do anything else, but I would have to breed him with a really nice hen.
I have somewhere between 5 and 8 roosters to rehome, because I can’t quite tell on the little ones, but I think I have 2 male Rhode Island Red, and 2 male Plymouth Barred Rock. I have another Rhode Island Red to get rid of, and a pair of hybrids (really pretty boys, might keep one) and a Bearded Americana (which the guy at TSC said was a pullet 😡) who has an attitude problem, but he’s really pretty. I want to get a couple chicks out of him before I do anything else, but I would have to breed him with a really nice hen.
I wouldn't advise keeping any aggressive roosters regardless of how much you want to save them. The males chicks will inherit many of the personality traits of the roosters and be son of a guns too

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