A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

hopefully I get mine this week!
Maybe someone in this thread can help me out. I have one hive that seems to be dwindling. There is a lot of activity going in and out so I thought they were being robbed. Over night I plugged up all the entrances on my TBH I totally forgot about it til I came home this morning. I went to the hive and there was a ton of bees flying around and trying to get in so I figured these were the robbers BUT a lot of the bees had pollen on them. I know when bees rob they don't also forage or at least that's what I thought so what is going on here? They pretty much stopped building up their comb and like I said there are definitely less in there than there were just a week ago.
I wish I could help....maybe you had a swarm and didn't realize it? Might be time to check for queen cells or to requeen your hive? One of the experienced beeks can help you more than I....I am merely starting this journey.

Wing It, LOVE the pics!!! Love all those golden bees....can you imagine anything so lovely?
Have you seen your queen lately? Look for eggs, larva, queen cells. Was it a package this spring? Usually the population will take a dip until you have a consistent number of brood emerging.
I took a look in my hive today. They are doing really well! Five frames are full of comb and brood, saw lots of larve and the queen. I will probably be putting another deep box on in about two weeks to make sure they have plenty of room. Good bees!
You sealed out the foragers who were coming back into the hive. Robbing is a very aggressive activity, you will see bees tussling, literally. There will be bits of wax deposits on the floor of the hive being robbed out as wax cappings are opened.

Not really sure what is going on with your hive, would need to see pictures.

They may have swarmed, hence the lack of numbers as you say, but you may have a replacement queen as evidenced by them bringing pollen back in. Bees bringing pollen back to the hive is usually a sign you have a laying queen or one about to but you need to do a thorough inspection and look for the queen, or eggs and open brood to tell you, you have one for sure.

Bees that are queenless will go into survival mode and will bring in pollen and even make honey so you will have to check to see if they are queenright.

This is swarm season in PA ~ we had 3 of ours swarm on Thursday afternoon. We managed to catch one with a bait hive ~ however two of them first landed about 50' up in poplar trees before they headed out to find new homes. We were out working in the yard near the hives so we saw them go. If you didn't see them swarm you might not know they left until you examine your hive.
I got my bees last Saturday. After peeking in Sunday I realized my wax foundations hadn't been embedded in the wax and were falling off. You may remember my "help, help" post.

I got the wire embedded and replaced all the frames on Monday.

I have left them alone hoping they won't leave after being bothered over and over.

How long should I wait before checking on them?

It has been cold and snowy in Utah this week. My friend gave me an empty comb frame and a frame full of honey so they have plenty to keep them busy.
Did you get these as a package? I would definitely wait until it warms up quite a bit. They are doing their best to retain heat by clustering when its that cold. By opening the hive especially a new one, you are only setting them back.

Thanks JP. I did get them as a package. There has been so little activity I was concerned. Yesterday I went out and was bending down, almost standing on my head, to look in the bottom of the hive and I had a few buzz out to see what the heck I was doing. LOL They are still there and paying attention.

I can't stand that we got such bad weather so soon after getting my bees. Stupid snow.

I will just hope everyone is doing well and contain my enthusiasm until it's safe to look.


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