A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

We end up going this morning, the tree person was not available last night. Cut sections out of the tree, removed comb into the bin, kept working back through. Rubber banded as much brood comb as we could into empty frames, the remaining smaller pieces we brought home in the bin, will use it to feed them once they are home. Left the hive there today so they would move in. Checked after dusk tonight and appears most moved in, there were a couple clusters hubby grabbed and added to the hive. Leaving it overnight, hope everyone else moves in tomorrow, then bring home tomorrow night. The bees, although surely agitated by having a chainsaw rip through their home, were well mannered. Chainsaw guy borrowed my jacket/veil. Hubby did end up with a total of 3 stings to fingers as he was cutting comb. Our biggest concern was not finding the queen during all of this, but there is 5-6 frames of brood.
She might be there, or they might make a supersedure queen,
Do you know how long you can let them settle in before you would need to requeen?
I hope she is there. Poor things have had a rough week.
oh yeah i had bees...for about one summer till we realized they were both heavily infest with wax moths till the point of the wax moths eating the wood.....lost to hives that season. Now we have no hives until we can get our names on a list for some more nucleuses.
The weather has been awful since Saturday, cold, windy and rainy, the bees did not set foot outside the hive until the sun finally came out today - but boy were they busy today! I was fascinated to see bees cleaning out the hive today, there were some dead bees in the package that got dumped into the hive with the live bees, and today they were being removed by the workers. Some were apparently heavy and when a bee tried to fly out with them they landed Thump! on the ground - the mortuary attendants took a moment to clean themselves up, then returned to the hive. Some were apparently lighter and were carried off a distance before disposal.

Yesterday when I gingerly lifted the lid to peek in the hive ONE bee flew out - and went directly down my shirt! As I started stripping in the front yard, trying to get her out, she nailed me under the left arm. Ow. Glad my house is back in the trees.

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