A bit of dry humor

Poppy Putentake

9 Years
Aug 5, 2015
Here is one dishonorable-mention-winning entry from the2024 Bulwer-Lyton Fiction Writing Contest, where entries consist of single sentences that could be the first sentences of works of fiction.

Zenta the Australopithecine woman gently placed the egg into her homemade reed basket (leaving behind two of her fingers bitten off by the mother Archaeopteryx) and silently wished that one day a harmless, delicious, abundant egg-laying bird would evolve.

Greg Homer, San Vito, Costa Rica
But, but, but Archeopteryx was from the Jurassic!

Sorry, my inner Paleontology geek had to say it! 😂 I do love the idea of an ancient hominin wishing for a better layer though.
True. The other thing is that Archeopteryx was actually smaller than standard size chickens and had reltively small teeth. Anyway, my own fantasy is about prehistoric humans keeping flocks of Tyranosaurus rex laying hens. That would make egg collection really interesting!
True. The other thing is that Archeopteryx was actually smaller than standard size chickens and had reltively small teeth. Anyway, my own fantasy is about prehistoric humans keeping flocks of Tyranosaurus rex laying hens. That would make egg collection really interesting!
Very true! I believe microscopic analysis of fossilised eggs shows that Oviraptor laid bright green eggs, and like likes of Deinoychus teal blue eggs. So an interesting egg basket.

And a Tyrannosaurus egg must have at least 5,000 calories in!

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