A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Anyone want to see my black eye? Its impressive. But don't want to freak anyone out.
He did a number on me. View attachment 2247781
Oh that looks painful! Many hugs.
This will probably happen to me one of these days. I play a little rougher than I should with him sometimes.
He also has a bad habit of when he wants to jump up on the bed he tries to jump up where our heads are instead of our feet. He has stomped on my face a couple of times. If he ever stomps my eye I will probably get a shiner.
She never pecks. But she did notice it. But...its Daisy. I'll admit it...we are kind of attached at the hip & she questions anything different. I think she's of above intelligence. Keep in mind I'm biased when it comes to her.

But one of the first things I did with the hound was teach him NOT to jump on me. He's too big for that. Yes he jumps on the bed but jumps near the bottom. That took a bit of training too. He will come & cuddle. Hes very sweet & sensitive. But dam....look out if he doesn't want to do something. We've had a few battles. Toenails are ongoing.

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