A Small Then & Now: Maude & Daria


i wanna be a cowboy, baby ( HELL YEAH )
Jun 15, 2020
TyCo, West Virginia
So, I bought two ameraucana pullets ( lol ) around the beginning of October from a local breeder. Well, i had my cousin get them for me at a BST while I was at work. Here’s a picture of them from today and attached are pictures from when I first got them. They should be 28 weeks now and I’ve yet to find any blue eggs in the nesting box. I guess Daria likes taking her time.


i know they were supposed to be ameraucanas and they mark off a lot of the boxes, except for the red leakage maude has on his back feathers.

He also started crowing today.


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Daria is just taking her time.
She may have been a little younger than you think when you got her.
Pullets love making us wait for that first egg!!
Daria is just taking her time.
She may have been a little younger than you think when you got her.
Pullets love making us wait for that first egg!!
Yeah, she could’ve been. The breeder told my cousin that they were 5 months old. She also couldn’t tell Maude was a rooster, so, yeah. I don’t think they were taken care of very well, either, so I don’t know if that could have anything to do with it too. I just didn’t think I’d have to wait this long! The rest of my pullets all started laying around 18-22 weeks lol
At 12 weeks, you can start telling if an easter egger is a cockerel. Since she couldn't tell them, I'm assuming they weren't yet 12 weeks old.
I have no idea, I only had her word on how old they were. This is my first time dealing with EEs or ameraucanas, so it was a little hard for me to tell until they got older. Do you think it’s possible Daria is an ameraucana? I don’t know if they’re siblings, but Daria doesn’t have any leakage like Maude does. Though, I assume it’s very likely they’re both EEs & not ameraucanas.
I would say they are EEs because I'm not sure the breeder knew what she is doing.
Is Daria squatting yet or does your rooster mount her?
That seems to be the most likely answer lol. Oh well, they’re still pretty and have nice beards & earmuffs.

And, no, I haven’t seen her squat at all or any of the other older roosters take an interest in her. I’ve only seen Maude look like he was starting the rooster shuffle at her, but she completely ignored him and he didn’t do anymore/complete it. That was a few weeks ago, I think. I also thought I saw her tensing up, but she could’ve just been pooping.
That seems to be the most likely answer lol. Oh well, they’re still pretty and have nice beards & earmuffs.

And, no, I haven’t seen her squat at all or any of the other older roosters take an interest in her. I’ve only seen Maude look like he was starting the rooster shuffle at her, but she completely ignored him and he didn’t do anymore/complete it. That was a few weeks ago, I think. I also thought I saw her tensing up, but she could’ve just been pooping.
My EE's start squatting or being mounted a week or two before they start laying.
They are beautiful! I love EE's, it's all I have!
My EE's start squatting or being mounted a week or two before they start laying.
They are beautiful! I love EE's, it's all I have!
That’s good to know! I hope she’s at least laying by springtime. I’m really wanting to breed her with my BR roo, Atlas, because the plan is to get barred offspring that has the earmuffs & beards. I was told that was possible, but we’ll see.

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