Solved Ability to Ignore threads or forums


Gentleman Farmer
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Jun 10, 2012
Central, Mississippi
My Coop
My Coop

I originally sent an email to support using the contact link at the bottom of the page, I got a reply back asking that I post it here instead.

Other XenForo forums that I'm on give members the ability to customize their experience on the forum by choosing to ignore specific threads or specific forums that they are not interested in.

See example screen caps:
Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 5.23.13 AM.png

Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 5.24.38 AM.png

On there are a few very busy, very long, and very old conversation threads, no offense to anybody intended, that keep the new posts pages clogged up with posts that I'm usually not interested in reading. Every time I go to one of these and hit mark read it shows back up within a few minutes because they are so active.

Please enable the ignore threads and ignore forums feature. It would be nice to be able to click on "New Posts" and just see the new posts in the forums that I'm actually interested in reading.

If you don't want to allow us members to ignore unwanted threads/forums then would you at least help me understand why this is not allowed.

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Just ignore the op of the threads you want to ignore.
Or just ignore them by not clicking into them, like I do.
I'm not sure why this forum has fairly limited functionality, likely because it's a "teaching forum".
Maybe this could be a PFM perk!

I do see what you mean as when some topic is hot, for example, a thread about hatcheries, it will keep popping up every 10 seconds. I highly doubt ignoring the dozen people who are posting on that thread is quite worth all that effort, and, I wouldn't want to ignore them either.
There is an Unwatch button, if you don't wanna continue watching a thread, or several.

Yes, I know how to Unwatch a Watched thread. That is not what this post is about. I've been using discussion forums for over 20 years. Maybe even longer, I can't actually remember the first forum that I joined.

You can go to a forum topic that you are interested in and use the filter option to see the newest messages within that forum. Sorting by last message and descending will give you the newest posts. Sorting by first message and descending will give you the newest threads in that forum.

Thank you both for the time to post to try to help. I actually know how to navigate these forums to get to the posts that I want to read. My purpose for posting this thread was to try to get a feature turned on that is available that would make using the forum easier and more enjoyable for me.

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