We just had a super successful hatch! 21 out of 23 !!
So these our our backyard chicks and I really don't know if there is a way to tell the sex by color or by dots on head when they are mixed? My son (who is 13) is sure the hens will have longer wing feathers by day 3. We are looking to keep 8 for ourself and I of course want to try and keep hens. The rest he is giving to friends.
The cream/tan chipmunk looking ones are from rhoad island red hens and an ameraucana rooster . (Some have a much more darker defined back.)
The light colored ones with a few black spots are from our white leghorn hens and an ameraucana rooster. (Some have a black dot right in the middle on top of head)
The gray chipmunk looking ones are ameraucana rooster and hen.
The black ones I think are ameraucana rooster and a black australorp hen.

So these our our backyard chicks and I really don't know if there is a way to tell the sex by color or by dots on head when they are mixed? My son (who is 13) is sure the hens will have longer wing feathers by day 3. We are looking to keep 8 for ourself and I of course want to try and keep hens. The rest he is giving to friends.
The cream/tan chipmunk looking ones are from rhoad island red hens and an ameraucana rooster . (Some have a much more darker defined back.)
The light colored ones with a few black spots are from our white leghorn hens and an ameraucana rooster. (Some have a black dot right in the middle on top of head)
The gray chipmunk looking ones are ameraucana rooster and hen.
The black ones I think are ameraucana rooster and a black australorp hen.
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