About what age to spay/neuter Great Pyrs?


12 Years
Mar 30, 2007
Belleville, Kansas
I would like some opinions on the right time to spay or neuter a Great Pyr puppy. All I have read says do it as late as possible due to hormones helping close off bones, etc, so I have waited and can wait longer, just worry about containing an exuberant pup in heat with a LOT of neighbors around with unaltered male dogs.

I can still wait on my boy a bit if needed, they are both six months old, or will be in a week. And their first heat comes around what time? I have read usually around 10 to 11 months, but the girl at the petstore told me around six months? So I am getting concerned.

I dont want a pregnancy by her, she is way too young, and she in no way would be ready, she is just a babe herself. Dont think she would ever be a good candidate to breed, she is just a nervous wreck a lot and has allergies too.

Anyhow, can those familiar with the breed give me some input?
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Most dogs go into their first heat anywhere from 6-10 months of age. I worked as a vet tech for many years and it was always recommended that a dog be spayed at 6 months old. If you wait until the female goes into heat, you will have to wait out the heat cycle before getting her spayed. Also, the risk increases for mammory tumors and other cancers once the female has had a heat cycle due to the hormone levels. I have always "fixed" my pets at 6 months of age and have never had any problems. One more thing, your male may breed your female before you even know she is in heat and it is not a good idea to have a female get pregnant in her first heat cycle.
Love my Critters! :

Most dogs go into their first heat anywhere from 6-10 months of age. I worked as a vet tech for many years and it was always recommended that a dog be spayed at 6 months old. If you wait until the female goes into heat, you will have to wait out the heat cycle before getting her spayed. Also, the risk increases for mammory tumors and other cancers once the female has had a heat cycle due to the hormone levels. I have always "fixed" my pets at 6 months of age and have never had any problems. One more thing, your male may breed your female before you even know she is in heat and it is not a good idea to have a female get pregnant in her first heat cycle.

Agreed. Also, at 6 months, they are not as heavy. Vets charge by weight - the longer you wait and the bigger she gets, the more it's going to cost you.​
Six months is standard, but I'm of a different mindset--I like to wait until after the first heat cycle (for grump) to let them get all of the hormones they need. It helps their growth and maturity--especially in the larger dogs that mature later (we used to have Saints). But that's just me.

Edited to add: Ah. Grump--auto edited. I typed the word for female dog.
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I guess it depends on your own preferences. Myself I wouldn't spay a GP until at least 18 months old, after her second heat for females. Why? Because these dogs keep growing till virtually 2 years old. Benefits? Well I like to know that he's fully grown and won't need as much hormones because her development will be almost done. I also like to know that he's mentally mature, I always get the feeling (and just a feeling because as I have said I have no scientific facts supporting my preferences) that if I spay too early they won't mature mentally or physically as they should and I want a Dog, not a Pup. Pyr pups love getting into trouble, adults are more laid back and mellow. Plus, because I do have my dogs to guard my property and livestock, all the more I want a fully grown adult.
I waited on my first girl till after the first heat. She was uncomfortable for a few days mostly due to a softball size cyst she had developed. For my new girl we did her at 4 months. It was certainly easier for her at four months.

I neutered my boxer as soon as his testes dropped at around 4 months. I am really glad we did it that way because it seems as though he never learned to be a "stinky" boy. He still squats to pee and has never lifted his leg on my furniture. He grew just fine. He's now 3 years old and 95 pounds. We had another boxer we waited to neuter until he was two and he turned psycho the first time he smelled a dog in heat. He was a maniac! He never really calmed down after that. I dont know if that has anything to do with it, just our observation. Thats what worked for us, anyway
I have large breed dogs and won't neuter or spay until after 18 months of age. I wait because I want to see the dog's true skeletal developement before I alter them, also taking away natural hormones prevent full mental maturity in dogs. I want to see a dogs true temperament, especially if the dog is a sport or working candidate.

For my small breed dogs I have waited till 10-14 months for the same reasons above except I did it sooner as small breed dogs mature mentally and physically faster than the big dogs do.
we just got a Miniature Australian Shepherd pup, and I have already made his neuter appt for next month as he will be 6.5 months old then!!

I believe in neutering young, but LOTS of people dont.

My advice! Ask your vet!!

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