Adding a new breed?

Nice. I can't do that, but occasionally think about it and wish I could.
I didn't thinnk I could either, until I owned male gelded donkeys, named Shrek and Donkey, along with Fiona.

I traded Shrek and Donkey to our neighbor, who butchered them for us, and got Daisy and Lola (Lola died of bloat.) who I bottle fed. Lola died of bloat when half-way between eating grass and still bottle feeding. I didn't catch it in time... I was paranoid about Daisy and she basically lived in the house until she was completely off milk. I also stocked up on Gas-X strips after that. (cheap handy goat bloat trick !!! LOL)

I'm not a fan of being head butted with horns, nor was I fan of constantly having them rip up our fencing to eat weeds on the other side.

So far, our billy goat has been a pill and won't let me touch him, so as soon as he gives me a new baby male to bottle feed... he's probably going on the dinner table.
I'm assuming you didn't butcher the donkey? Baby goats, actually all goats, are sensitive to any changes in their diet, feed just a bit more than they are used to and bloat can happen. Sorry you lost one to it, I have always used baking soda for bloat, it sure makes a difference in their friendliness to be bottle fed though.

I wonder if an intact buck would taste funky, they sure smell funky.
I'm assuming you didn't butcher the donkey? Baby goats, actually all goats, are sensitive to any changes in their diet, feed just a bit more than they are used to and bloat can happen. Sorry you lost one to it, I have always used baking soda for bloat, it sure makes a difference in their friendliness to be bottle fed though.

I wonder if an intact buck would taste funky, they sure smell funky.
I wrote donkey's. I meant to write goats - Sorry! LOL

Yes, I butchered the goats :p

With 4 kids running around here talking to me non stop - sometimes the wrong words get said haha
Just cause I can see them in the pics, your flock is

A dark Brahma hen
Looks like a Delaware hen
A red hen
Your rooster isn't mixed, he's a red Cochin (pure bred).
Just cause I can see them in the pics, your flock is

A dark Brahma hen
Looks like a Delaware hen
A red hen
Your rooster isn't mixed, he's a red Cochin (pure bred).
Is he? We were told he was half cochin and half RIR - but him being a cochin might explain why he's not as big of an ******* as some of the RIR roo's i've met too. My friends' surviving RIR roo attacked her - and were handraised in the same batch as the ones she split up and gave to us. LOL
He doesn't look at all mixed from the pics I can see. RIRs have a very different body shape than Cochins. He looks nice and rounded and basketball shaped, with the very fluffy bum. That rounded fluff seems to be the first thing to go when you cross breed Cochins. I think maybe someone didn't know they can come in that pretty red color and just assumed he was mixed? Anyway, he's a very handsome bird
He doesn't look at all mixed from the pics I can see. RIRs have a very different body shape than Cochins. He looks nice and rounded and basketball shaped, with the very fluffy bum. That rounded fluff seems to be the first thing to go when you cross breed Cochins. I think maybe someone didn't know they can come in that pretty red color and just assumed he was mixed? Anyway, he's a very handsome bird
He is a pretty birdy and he knows it too - he preens for me - especially if you bring him out any treats. LOL

I was on the fence on thinking he was pure bred cochin because of his feet/fluffy butt and shape/size - but since I didn't know where he "came" from... I kind of just had to assume what I was told. lol

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