Adding Started Pullet(s) for my Bullied Hen?


Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
May 16, 2023
East Coast and LA
Warning: this is a long post! :)

I’m thinking about adding a couple chickens to the flock, and would like y’all’s opinions on it…

I have four chickens right now: a Welsummer, a Delaware, a Plymouth Rock, and a Cream Legbar. All are about 1.5 years old.
The Cream Legbar (Minna) and the Plymouth Rock (Prudence) live together in a 4 ft W x 8 ft L run with a raised coop 4 ft W x 2 ft L. The Delaware (Rose) and the Welsummer (Lyd) live in an identical run next door.
They all get to free range every day once they have laid their egg of the day, and if I’m pretty sure they’re not going to lay that day they get to be out early. Until they are let out they have snacks in the run and I’m working on a playground for them.
Minna has always been at the bottom of the flock, and Lyd picks on her regularly, but since they moved into two separate runs, Lyd has mellowed out considerably. The problem is now Prudence, who was always the “good girl”. Recently she started pecking Minna every time they go to roost for the night. I separated her for a few days and that solved the problem but now she’s doing it again to the point of drawing blood. And Minna’s petrified of anything or anyone coming near her head. So I have put Prudence in the other run with Lyd and Rose and Minna has a whole run to herself.
My idea, therefore, is to get another pullet or two for Minna; that way she can be the head of the new flock. I’m really tired of her being picked on and I can’t keep her by herself all winter. Besides, Rose is not laying due to a egg-binding situation earlier this year so it would be nice to have some more eggs…but mostly I want to give Minna some friends who won’t pick on her.
I understand any hen might be a source of trouble but I would plan on breeds that are low-key, whatever those are.

What do y’all think? Any suggestions would be really appreciated and I am sorry about the long post!
This is the only one I can find…tomorrow I will get a picture of the whole run.


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Okay…but I don’t see how 32 sq. ft. isn’t enough space for two chickens?
The bullying only seems to happen at night and the roost is 2.5 ft long.
I suppose I could try extending the roost, but other than that I don’t know what to do (the other two get along fine).
Okay…but I don’t see how 32 sq. ft. isn’t enough space for two chickens?
The bullying only seems to happen at night and the roost is 2.5 ft long.
I suppose I could try extending the roost, but other than that I don’t know what to do (the other two get along fine).
Assuming both setups are the same, your coops are 8 sq ft each, which is space for 2 chickens. The run is 8x4 which may be enough space for up to 3 mild mannered, fully integrated birds - it will not allow for integration of new birds due to narrowness and lack of overall space.

You already are seeing behavioral issues due to close confinement. Adding more birds without increasing space will only worsen the situation. And even with more space what you will most likely find is your low ranked bird Minna will be the worst bully to any newly added pullets - and then you will need to alter your set up at that time to deal with that new problem.
I won’t get more then…or maybe I will next spring and build a new coop for them :)
but then how do I keep Prudence from pecking Minna since they have enough room? Prudence got onto the roost and then as Minna was sitting on the lower crossbar she (Prudence) reached down and started pecking her real good. But she only bullies her at night, never in the daytime. And why is she doing this (like I said, she’s always been the “good girl” and wouldn’t hurt a fly)?
I won’t get more then…or maybe I will next spring and build a new coop for them :)
but then how do I keep Prudence from pecking Minna since they have enough room? Prudence got onto the roost and then as Minna was sitting on the lower crossbar she (Prudence) reached down and started pecking her real good. But she only bullies her at night, never in the daytime. And why is she doing this (like I said, she’s always been the “good girl” and wouldn’t hurt a fly)?
Pinless peepers can be a temporary fix if you plan on expanding.
I think I should find out why Prudence is acting this way in the first place…she was always nice to Minna until they moved into the new setup.
but then how do I keep Prudence from pecking Minna since they have enough room? Prudence got onto the roost and then as Minna was sitting on the lower crossbar she (Prudence) reached down and started pecking her real good. But she only bullies her at night, never in the daytime. And why is she doing this (like I said, she’s always been the “good girl” and wouldn’t hurt a fly)?

I don't know exactly why she is doing this, but can you provide a second roost? If they have the choice of two roosts, too far apart to peck from one to the other, then they may be able to sleep in peace.

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