adopted a hurt chick,got a question...

I have 2 hens sitting now one on 3 eggs shes my Brahma that hatched here last spring and my little bantam frizzle is sitting on 5 eggs.. I am about maxed out too for space, so most likely these chicks will be sold too, I just enjoy seeing the hens with their chicks so much it's hard not to let them hatch. What all breeds do you have?
ive got,silkies,showgirls,brahmas,turkens,japanese,cochins,frizzle cochins,d'uccles,seramas,buff orpingtons,favorelles,ee's,rir's,polish,the rest are mutts.60 in all...what all do you have?
thanks I bought some when i got my last chicks and for the life of me couldn't remember what it was called. I have game and game /bantam, cochin bantams and cochin /game bantams. then the Brahmas and my 2 youngest ones which are Lavender Orpingtons.. the ones to hatch are going to be mixes also. My Brahma roo was mean so we put him in the freezer, and my other 2 roos are mixes of game/bantam, cochin/game bantam 20 hens and 2 roos.. then i have 8 Muscovies ducks and 1 Emden goose.. seems we never have enough lol
i know,its very addicting.i want a couple white midget love to have some ducks,but i dont have anywhere to put them..
I started with ducks all of them except for 3 are rescues, then I wanted a goose so my dh surprised me with a goose egg so we put it under one of my muscovy hens and she hatched it, only problem was she had 1 duck egg under her and the goose hatched at day 28 and muscovies hatch on day 34 or later so she gave up her egg. But they are inseparable, My dh says no more coops, we live on the side of the mt. which he calls billy goat country so we don't have much flat ground, so I guess I'm close to being done for now,
I would really like to get a couple of runner ducks sometime they are adorable. Ducks are very messy and We don't have a pond but we do have a couple of small pools that they play in and mate in.. the latter helps the girls out the drakes are big and heavy. on my BYC page I have some pictures of some of my friends..
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i love your coop,it is adorable..we have 3 ponds but we are the only ones who keep our dogs fenced in,so i dont think the ducks would survive,but maybe 1 day....
I know did you read on here about the person who lost 22 chickens to dogs just this past week? they found their rooster buried alive in their neighbors yard.. Yep dogs and ducks and chickens don't do very well, Everytime we pass a pond I always say gosh I wish I had that for our birds, my dh just shakes his head.. lol.
as long as the birds are behind chicken wire the dogs could care less,but if the birds get out they dont stand much of a chance.i didnt see that,how horrible.

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