adopted a hurt chick,got a question...

i cant imagine.we been having alot of coyotes around her,my biggest fear is ill go out in the morning to find a matter how well your coop is made you still worry youve missed something..
I know thats why when my dh built our coop I had him put it close to the house, thinking that with our dogs and it being close maybe we wouldn't get many visits from predators.. We hear coyotes and I saw one on our driveway a few years ago..
my coop is right outside my back door.i dont think id hear anything with the windows closed,but i to was hoping it would keep predators away...
I think it helps to have them close my dogs are inside most of the time and especially at night but i think most predators especially big ones would be a little more leary about coming to close to humans. Gotta go we went into town today for monthly shopping and I am about to fall asleep at the wheel, have a great night and I have enjoyed talking to you, and will probably talk some more I hope..

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