If anyone here has some insight/advice/what worked well for you etc on having 2 new mommas in the coop at the same time. 2 of my hens went broody within about a day of eachother, 1 is a Light Brahma not quite 1 y/o and the other is HER momma an Australorp I think she is turning 2 (and this is her THIRD time being broody since last August). On 8/31 I bought them 2 chicks each and we put them on opposite corners of the coop with their own chick feeders and waterers. They just today brought them out of the coop into the run and then are scratching near the run with the babies. Will they always try to avoid each other? Should they be even more separated?? I’ve always let my hens raise their babies with the flock with no issues thus far but I’ve never had 2 at once. Would love to hear if anyone else has done this. TY!