Advice? SIS and SSI

Get a PO box and forward mail specific to you and your family to it (that is one option on change of address forms--all mail or mail for a specific person). Then remove the mailbox at your home. If you want, you can even post a sign at its old location stating that mail for this physical address is delivered elsewhere (do not list the PO Box #). After a few months of nothing, you can try using the house again.

It does seem odd though that you cannot limit the mail received at your home is you choose. Sounds like breeding grounds for fraud. List an address, wait for delivery and grab it before the homeowner can get their mail and even know that something strange is happening.
Tell you mother to get a PO Box. Go to the Post Office and let them know about the problem of getting mail from people who do not live with you. Uncle can use mother's PO Box. Use Caller ID to not answer your sister's calls. Easy Peasy. Seems like the drama can be addictive, save your family from the grief.
Well, maybe the PO person I spoke with (this was a few years back in reference to the Other People, not family) didn't know what they were talking about. Our route is the 'overtime route' so we rarely see the same person two days in a row... our mail comes sometime between 9am and 9pm... yes, after dark. Just a mess.

But, now that I know there IS something I can do I'ma have to carry my tail down to the PO. Oddly it's not the one that's 3/4mi from us, but the one 5mi away that handles our route... bit odd that, but it IS a gov't agency and we all know how great they are at efficiency. Think I'll carry the pile of her crap that's here, take it all down, and show them LOOK, this person doesn't live here. Never has. Can you please quit sending this stuff here. Helps that our last names aren't the same. Of course, her last name P, is not the same as her eldest's B, her middle (lives with his dad) S, but is the same as the latest since she wasn't having anything to do with the BF at the time... I honestly have no idea what that guy's last name is. The medicaid cards are addressed to the kids, not her... so I've actually got her, kk, hunter, and max's mail to deal with... plus mom's and uncle's... and then throw in the rare and random bit for Mr B (landlord), and Mrs B (his mom who lived here until moved to nursing home, she passed recently)... and then some random Steve person... no idea what that's about as Mrs B (and hubby) lived here for decades.

Problem with Change of Address/Forwarding is that the 'order' only lasts so long. It works for steady mailers, but for random things/out of date, if they send you something six months after you move you'll prolly never get it. I think that's how we still get an odd piece here or there for Mr and Mrs B... I'm talking maybe 1-2x per year something comes. Prolly won't bother getting that moved, since it really isn't a problem. Mostly ads for companies they used a decade ago I think. We just tuck it aside and when we see Mr B we pass it on. Not a stress. Uncle, literally ONE piece of mail... and that was an empty envelope addressed to himself that he sent here so he could be sure it would get here... he hasn't actually gotten any 'real mail' here yet. Mom I know, no doubt, that she'll be changing hers as soon as she closes, which is supposed to be the 11th... fingers crossed, she was pre-approved for her loan, found a house, and it's been FIVE WEEKS of faxing, refaxing, yes refaxing again... all this info that they already had from the pre-approval... so, yeah. Fingers Crossed!!

Y'all are correct that she's never had to suck it up... ever. Never been held accountable for her actions. It was annoying when we were kids, but now it's downright painful because we all have to watch as her children are shuffled. CPS is on her. Had I ever actually SEEN anything abusive I would have called. But I never have. She keeps a clean house, food stocked, etc. so no neglect there. And she never does anything stupid when I'm standing there... neither does the BF. So, I can't say "I saw this that the other"... I would have to call and LIE in order to get anything done... and I just can't do that. Mom has called, her SIL has called, this latest one was evidently a call put in from when she was in the shelter for a few days... she visited the BF (who was the reason she was there) and so they called CPS on her. Least that's what she's telling everyone. And of course she has no idea how that speed (or ? she just said 'other stuff' but I assume speed since that's been a problem before) ended up in her weed. Does NOT get that weed is an illegal substance... it's a freaking drug... dope... pick a word. She just doesn't want to hear it. So, yet again the kids are pulled, placed, lives scrambled while she goes through weeks of classes (again) and drug tests (again)... they mentioned her getting them back while she does that, but because BF is still around that's a no. BF also has to go through all this stuff. If either of them mess up a test, reset. If either miss more than two class times, reset. This is the way it was when KK lived here as well. Should have taken 8 weeks... 8 classes/1 per week... test weekly/bi weekly not sure... instead she was here nearly SIX MONTHS... so... yeah. We all know what to expect. We keep hoping, for the kids' sake, that she'll suck it up and fly straight -CPS would certainly get MY attention- but we're not dumb enough to really expect it anymore.
Why don't you just write return to sender, not at this address on any of her mail that comes to you and put it back in the mailbox with the flag up? That way you don't have to take it anywhere. BTW, she's never gonna "suck it up". She sounds like a sociopath and as such feels the world owes her a living. She ain't gonna change. After all, it's the world that is wrong, not her.
I get SSI and Medicare and reeks FRAUD big time!!!!! You HAVE to have a valid address where you live because if they find out you were using the wrong address, someone is going to go down...either her or both of you.

Take those envelopes and "RETURN TO SENDER" and wash your hands off from it. Walk away from it, and keep doing it until the SS and Dept would figure this out themselves and they will give your sister a call why those cards, FS, etc has been returned. They WILL question the validity of her answers as well why she is not at this location anymore.
Yeah, I suppose that's what I should do... I mean I know it is, but I hate to do that when all it will effect is the kids' insurance. Not hers, not the FS, not SS (that wasn't mailed, Ash brought the form to me)... but yeah, I guess I should suck it up and be done with it.

Okay, fine I'ma go it now before I lose my nerve again. Thanks for the spine... seem to have misplaced mine.

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